bambuser / bambuser-livevideoshoppingplayer-sdk-ios

This SDK helps you add a Bambuser live shopping player to your UIKit and SwiftUI apps.
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Feedback from Matas #6

Closed JesperBerthelsen closed 2 years ago

JesperBerthelsen commented 2 years ago

As agreed I'll post the feedback here:


ken-bam commented 2 years ago

Hi @JesperBerthelsen

Can you perhaps split up these in separate issues. It is easier for both of us to deal with them one by one.


ken-bam commented 2 years ago

I reply to the feedback now in this thread. But it would be nice if you could create separate issues for each of them.

1) Any particular reason you need support for iOS 11.4? iPhone 5 and 5C are limited to iOS 10.3.x and iPhone 5S, 6 and 6 Plus are limited to 12.5.5. I think there is no device that stops at iOS 11.4?

ken-bam commented 2 years ago

2) If you want to toggle between hiding and showing the UI overlay you can do that by:


playerView.invoke(.hideUI, completion: {_ in
// do stuff


playerView.invoke(.showUI, completion: {_ in
// do stuff

and if you want to hide it right from the start of playback you could do something like this in your event handler:

if eventInfo.event == .playerDidBecomeReady {
  self.playerView.invoke(.hideUI, completion:  {_ in
    // do stuff

In a coming release(probably already in the next) we are adding to the .hideUI call the possibility to specify which parts of the UI to hide.

ken-bam commented 2 years ago
  1. Oh bummer 😞 unfortunately there is no interface to explicit toggle mute on/off. But, that should be pretty straight forward to implement. We will add a task for that.
ken-bam commented 2 years ago
  1. Yeah there is delay in the beginning when metadata is being fetched and initial buffering is taking place. You are perhaps looking for some sort of load call to do prefetching "off-screen" and then start actual playback with a play call? Another way would be as you suggested to show a thumbnail/overlay/preview while loading and then hide it based on an playing event. the. But, we will look into ways to improve the initial flow and user experience.
ken-bam commented 2 years ago

Thanx for your feedback, much appreciated!

ken-bam commented 2 years ago

I close this one now when we have separate issues for each of these. Easier to track progress per issue.