bammt / Learn-to-check

the datasets of our paper
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Finetuning Code #1

Open kaifronsdal opened 6 months ago

kaifronsdal commented 6 months ago

In your paper, you mention fine-tuning models on the data generated in this repo. Would it be possible to make the model fine-tuning and evaluation code avaiable?

bammt commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your question. However, we think we don't need to add the fine-tuneing code because we just use BELLE: to fine-tuning our llama models. As for evaluation, we had released them. Just use for all-direct method reasoning. for step-direct and step-cot method reasoning.

kaifronsdal commented 6 months ago

I could be mistaken but it seems like the evaluation code seems to be setup for the base llama2 models, not fine-tuned models?

bammt commented 6 months ago

I have updata my code, you need to replace the 'check_path' with your own fine-tuned ckpt.

kaifronsdal commented 6 months ago

Ah, thank you so much!

bammt commented 6 months ago

You're welcome. And if I have solved your problem, could you please give me a star? thx : )