Open sunheyi6 opened 1 year ago
Please submit steps to reproduce.
Please submit steps to reproduce.
@banach-space I followed the instructions in the README and proceeded with the operation. First,
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-jammy-16 main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y llvm-16 llvm-16-dev llvm-16-tools clang-16
cd /root/llvm-tutor/build/
cmake -DLT_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-16 /root/llvm-tutor
root@LAPTOP-OJLO0M82:~# cd llvm-tutor/build/
root@LAPTOP-OJLO0M82:~/llvm-tutor/build# ls
CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles Makefile cmake_install.cmake input_for_hello.ll
root@LAPTOP-OJLO0M82:~/llvm-tutor/build# pwd
root@LAPTOP-OJLO0M82:~/llvm-tutor/build# /usr/lib/llvm-16/bin/opt -load-pass-plugin ./ -passes=hello-world -disable-output input_for_hello.ll
Failed to load passes from './'. Request ignored.
/usr/lib/llvm-16/bin/opt: unknown pass name 'hello-world'
Thanks for getting back to me. I've just checked this invocation works for me fine:
/opt/llvm-16/bin/opt -load-pass-plugin ./ -passes=hello-world -disable-output input_for_hello.ll
(llvm-tutor) Hello from: foo
(llvm-tutor) number of arguments: 1
(llvm-tutor) Hello from: bar
(llvm-tutor) number of arguments: 2
(llvm-tutor) Hello from: fez
(llvm-tutor) number of arguments: 3
(llvm-tutor) Hello from: main
(llvm-tutor) number of arguments: 2
Can you double check the command line that you are using the run the example?
You might have the wrong path to
. cmake -DLT_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-16 /root/llvm-tutor
places all plugin libraries into <build-dir>/lib
for me.