banboo-data / RCriteo

Loading Criteo Campaign Data into R
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appName #2

Closed connelldan closed 9 years ago

connelldan commented 9 years ago

Could you more clearly define appName for the app variable? And where can I find it? Also, is this still functioning? I see there hasnt been any contributions for a while.

jburkhardt commented 9 years ago

The package is functioning and in productive usage! I think Criteo has to create an API access for you. If you have this already, you will find the appName in the criteo accout settings. doCriteoAuthreturns an authToken. Furthermore you will need an appToken which you can get from your Criteo Account Manager. Hope this helps!

jburkhardt commented 9 years ago

Update: I just figured out that you can provide any text for appName and companyName. The arguments just have to be set with any random value.