Expose the option to turn on/off the generic notifications
-- Under the "notifications" menu
Logic change:
-- Currently, notifications menu is only visible after the 1st notification for a given wallet
-- Update, make the bell icon which exposes the notifications menu always visible
-- Notification will be positioned on the bottom right side of the screen (desktop and mobile)
API actions to select from:
-- buy
-- sell
Display logic:
-- IF notification storage = off, do not display them
-- Notifications will be shown to all visitors regardless if they have connected a wallet to the app
How to pick qualified notifications:
-- Fetch the activity API every 30 seconds (as we do today, but with no query param which will return the full activity data)
-- Identify the transactions that were added to the api from last check
-- Select 5 trades (can be random from the trades qualified in the step before)
How to display qualified notifications:
-- Display notifications for those trades at random intervals within the 30-second timeframe, in ascending order by timestamp. (we would like to spread them across the 30 sec interval but at random time gaps)
-- Notification display duration: 2 seconds
-- Next notification will force the previous one out (if they end up overlapping)
-- Minimum interval between notifications: 0.5 seconds
API call
-- currently, we are forced to fetch the full activity api and filter last transactions
-- updated (tbd), activity api will include limit and action filters to reduce the response data to relevant topics only
We want to display a new type of notifications that will feature the trades occurring in the app, making platform activity more noticeable to users.
Trade notifications settings:
Expose the option to turn on/off the generic notifications
The new notifications will display trade actions that have occurred across all strategies on the platform. IMPORTANT: these notifications will not be saved under the notification hub (menu). reference: https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4ad37a51-195f-4f7e-9a73-48bad9c9cefe