band-unfolding / bandup

BandUP: Band Unfolding code for Plane-wave based calculations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error while compiling spglib-1.5.2 #26

Closed Gargee-123 closed 2 years ago

Gargee-123 commented 2 years ago

Dear BandUP developers,

I am getting one error while compiling ./build in our cluster as follows:

**_ifort: error #10236: File not found: '/home/gargeeb/BandUP/bandup-master/src/external/spglib-1.5.2/src/.libs/libsymspg.a' make: * [get_SCKPTS_preBandUP.x] Error 1

Please suggest me to solve this issue.

Best regards Gargee

Gargee-123 commented 2 years ago

Dear BandUP developers,

I would like to mention that I have solved this. I have done ./configure and then make in spglib-1.5.2

Best regards Gargee