band-unfolding / bandup

BandUP: Band Unfolding code for Plane-wave based calculations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not understanding the colour mapped Electronic bands structure #34

Open Souravhirg opened 2 years ago

Souravhirg commented 2 years ago

Hello, Thank you for such wonderful code. I have compiled all the steps for plotting bands structure of Si within the tutorial directory of band-up. After executing the forth step i found a bands structure of Si with a color scale plotting in Matplotlib. I do not understand the color map. what the color map signifies? please clear my confusion. Also I am running the code with QE version 6.1. For higher version of QE like 6.7, I found error in the forth step of band-up Si tutorial case. why this is so? Is it not consistent with higher version of QE?

Thanking you, Sourav