banditcpp / bandit

Human-friendly unit testing for C++11
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Qt Creator doesn't follow symbol under cursor #165

Open MartinDelille opened 3 years ago

MartinDelille commented 3 years ago

I have a problem when editing my test since a few month: when I have more than one test file (with a go_bandit([]{ section each), querying a symbol definition with F2 in a unit test jumps to a go_bandit statement in another file.

Here is a short example:

// pouet.h
class Pouet {
  QString _name;
  Pouet(QString name) : _name(name) {}
  QString name() const {
    return _name;
// test_pouet.cpp
#include "bandit/bandit.h"
#include "pouet.h

using namespace bandit;
using namespace snowhouse;

go_bandit([]() {
  it("has a name", [] {
    Pouet pouet("martin");
    AssertThat(, "martin");
// test_baba.cpp
#include "bandit/bandit.h"
#include "baba.h

using namespace bandit;
using namespace snowhouse;

go_bandit([]() {

Here asking the symbol definition of name() at the line 11 of test_pouet.cpp jumps to line 8 of test_baba.cpp instead of line 6 of pouet.h

Qt Creator raises also this warning for both go_bandit statements.

After digging in the code, I replaced go_bandit([]() { by bandit::detail::spec_registrar TestPouet([]() { and bandit::detail::spec_registrar TestBaba([]() { to restore the "jump to definition" feature and suppress the clazy warning.

I know you don't use the Qt framework but I wrote this issue to:

The registration is indeed not very clear to me at this time.

sbeyer commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your issue. I am currently not sure where to go with the go_bandit macro (see also #164). I have a tendency to deprecate it and replace it by a non-macro solution. Still not sure where to go with it. I currently have no time to work on bandit anyway, but I have time to let that sink in.