bang590 / JSPatch

JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
MIT License
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工程报错无法运行 #853

Closed allanGoldZhiKang closed 5 years ago

allanGoldZhiKang commented 5 years ago

报错信息 library not found for -lffi

allanGoldZhiKang commented 5 years ago

参考 这个工程的灵感 修改方法为: 1、在General中引入libz.1.tbd 2、在Build Setting中在搜索框输入 search paths 找到Header Search Paths (1)添加"$(SRCROOT)/../../Extensions/JPLibffi/libffi"(注意引号也要加) 选项为non-recursive 找到Library Search Paths
(1)删除一行../.. (2)$(PRO开头的那一行修改为$(PROJECT_DIR)/../../Extensions/JPLibffi/libffi