Q learning is a reinforcement learning algorithm used to build simple agents to learn and evolve in environment (be it game or some business specific environment) the talk intends to give a brief overview of working of algorithm, high level overview of deep Q networks and a small demo on how one can play around with it with gymnasium.
What format do you have in mind for your talk?
Table of contents
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Common terminologies / Lingo
What is Q learning?
What is DQN and when is it needed?
Demo with gymnasium [5-8 mins]
What domain would you say your talk falls under?
Duration in minutes (including Q&A)
No response
Speaker bio
Hi I am Indivar, I am passionate about RL and making small 2d games, I do some opensource and learn new things.
I currently work as a Software Engineer 2
Title of the talk
Introduction to Q Learning with gymnasium
Q learning is a reinforcement learning algorithm used to build simple agents to learn and evolve in environment (be it game or some business specific environment) the talk intends to give a brief overview of working of algorithm, high level overview of deep Q networks and a small demo on how one can play around with it with gymnasium.
What format do you have in mind for your talk?
Table of contents
What domain would you say your talk falls under?
Duration in minutes (including Q&A)
No response
Speaker bio
Hi I am Indivar, I am passionate about RL and making small 2d games, I do some opensource and learn new things. I currently work as a Software Engineer 2
Linkdin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/indivar-mishra/ github: https://github.com/indiVar0508 twitter: https://x.com/indimishra08
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