Wizard: do not prefill by proposing a username from the local os name, keep field empty
set "Formatted" name field to the same name as chosen, instead of "Default"
For 1), any name the user chooses does still create an entry for the suggested name that is looked up, which is confusing and misleading. To prevent, keep the field in the wizard empty.
See image, where the proposed name was "netrunner", since it was taken i registered testest7 (see in sidebar), but netrunner is still made an entry:
For 2) leaving the name "Default" instead of initializing it with the name chosen will also show "Default" in ring-android client, so any user will show up as "Default":
Reasons: For 1), any name the user chooses does still create an entry for the suggested name that is looked up, which is confusing and misleading. To prevent, keep the field in the wizard empty. See image, where the proposed name was "netrunner", since it was taken i registered testest7 (see in sidebar), but netrunner is still made an entry:
For 2) leaving the name "Default" instead of initializing it with the name chosen will also show "Default" in ring-android client, so any user will show up as "Default":