banjtheman / dc_ndoch_2021

Code for DC 2021 National Day of Civic Hacking
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PulsePoint Data Analysis #7

Open banjtheman opened 2 years ago

banjtheman commented 2 years ago

What is the Task

Do data analysis on the PulsePoint data to gain insights.

Why do we want to do this

The PulsePoint data is rich in emergency response data ranging from fires to medical emergencies, we want to be able to tell a story on how well communities respond to events.

You can view the web version of PulsePoint here (

How can I get started?

Here are some sample questions to help get started, ultimately we want everyone to come up with novel data analysis stories to better understand the data.

Definition of Done

A narrative artifact is created to share with the group (Juptyer Notebook, Powerpoint, etc..)

banjtheman commented 2 years ago

Created a notebook with some basic analysis, still work in progress