banjtheman / defundthepolice

Defund The Police
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Identify Social Program Investments #7

Open banjtheman opened 3 years ago

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

What is the Task

Define a metric that can be used for Social Programs

Why do we want to do this

To have a social card for Social Programs Investments

How can I get started?

  1. Would google how social programs investments empower communities and how that translates to dollar amounts.
  2. Create a new case in make_investment_image for Social Programs

Here is some pseudo-code

    if investment == "Social Programs":
        WHAT_WE_GAIN= int(math.ceil( reinvest_money / METRIC_COST))

        WHAT_WE_GAIN_STRING= str(f'{WHAT_WE_GAIN:,}')
        text = "That translates to "+ WHAT_WE_GAIN_STRING+ " X for our community" 
        wrapped_string = textwrap.wrap(text, width=30)
        image = draw_image(wrapped_string,bg_color,text_color,font)
        st.image(image, use_column_width=True)

Definition of Done

Can generate a social card for Social Programs

Alig1493 commented 3 years ago

I can already see a section for social programs in the web application so can we assume this to be completed @banjtheman?

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

No it is stubbed out

thestrugglingblack commented 3 years ago

@banjtheman Hey Banjo! Can I take this ticket?

thestrugglingblack commented 3 years ago

@banjtheman Hey Banjo! Here is a list of social programs that we can possibly use. What do you think of these so far?

Head Start

"Children whose mothers said they provided low and moderate amounts of preacademic stimulation scored lower in absolute terms on all three outcomes than children whose mothers said they provided more preacademic stimulation, but they gained more from being in a Head Start program than the children who got more stimulation."

Source Society for Research in Child Development

A metric that we can use for this is calculate the percentage of children who are more likely to graduate from high school if they received this assistance in early child hood.

Veterans’ benefits

Advancement in medical technology has allowed servicemen to survive their injuries but, for many, at the cost of a traumatic limb amputation and associated mental scarring. Health care professionals must be able to address physical safety concerns, as well as, emotional health of veterans. Approximately 49,933 American veterans are homeless and face the same difficulties as non-veterans in addition to service-related matters

Source US veterans and their unique issues: enhancing health care professional awareness

A metric for this can say "By decreasing the police department budget and increasing Veteran Benefits, X Veterans will be able to receive the mental health care that they need.

Food Stamps

SNAP promotes long-term health and well-being, especially for children. Research shows that SNAP reduces poverty and food insecurity, and that over the long term, these impacts lead to improved health and economic outcomes, especially for those who receive SNAP as children

Source Chart Book SNAP Helps Struggling Families put Food on the Table

A metric that we ca use for SNAP is saying "X amount of low-income families will have food on the table if the police budget were to be cut."

Other Social Programs that we can look into finding metrics in:

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

Food Security, Veterans Benefits, and childcare are a good place to start

The goal would be to find a tangible dollar amount that can be reinvested to make a direct impact i.e every 400 dollars spent on Food security removes x number of people from z

thestrugglingblack commented 3 years ago

Okay good! So I cant separate these items out and not just have this be all lumped under the umbrella of "Social Programs". So it would be more like the following: investments = ["Education", "Healthcare", "Veteran Benefits", "Food Security", "Childcare"] ??

Alig1493 commented 3 years ago

Okay good! So I cant separate these items out and not just have this be all lumped under the umbrella of "Social Programs". So it would be more like the following: investments = ["Education", "Healthcare", "Veteran Benefits", "Food Security", "Childcare"] ??

@thestrugglingblack you can append here. If you are able to provide some metrics for the cost then the cards should all get updated accordingly.