bankofthecommons / coopshares

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Coopshares mvp user stories #1

Open ivanminutillo opened 7 years ago

ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

As far as I can get, I think these stories would be at least the ones we should implement in order to make a workable demo.

Am I missing anything?

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

Suggestions (but maybe I am wrong, I haven't been part of all the discussions):

Questions that come to mind:

  1. Can a cooperative have user credentials? That is, can a cooperative be a user, or just a person?
  2. If a user can specify its type, does that mean you need to include everything about creating a user (person/cooperative)?
  3. When a cooperative issues shares, is that issuing to a person, or is that issuing in general, and then people can buy them?
  4. Can organizations also buy coop shares?
  5. Can a user see all shares available from a coop, or also shares that a person wants to sell? If so, do we have to include a way for people to offer shares? Actually, maybe "I want to exchange assets I own" is that?
  6. How does the BotC fit in to the process? What responsibility does it have for new share creation, vs the coops?
ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago


  1. I think you're correct, "As an agent" it should be the right one.
  2. indeed, better coop shares 👍


  1. not sure about this
  2. I think so, this question I think is linked with 6. as Coopshares is not a separate app but a section inside botc app, so it already inheriting the agent from Botc
  3. A coop issues shares only when an agent asks for them
  4. I think so (but not 100% sure)
  5. yep
  6. I think I covered this question above (2. point)
skoria commented 6 years ago

Hi! As the coopshares description in the bank of the commons website ( ) is pretty complicated and hard to follow, I thought the requirements that are most important are to do with "The one-sided perception held by mainstream investors that cooperatives or social enterprises cannot and/or are not allowed to be profitable, the scarcity of available and acceptable tools that facilitate investing in cooperatives and the legal difficulties behind investing in a coop without becoming a member are the main reasons behind this situation."

So according to this, the last problem it solves is this ease of investment. To me this means

" As an internet user I want to see the list of all assets shares available"

Ie not logged in user on their first visit to a coopshares website. Investing would probably require you to register or use fairlogin, but that first list could be shown to try and make it simple to use. This means you need a full view of all projects and another view per project, both available to this type of user. Once logged in or once supporting a project you could then see more info, maybe patreon or kiva style, with internal updates or stats?

ivanminutillo commented 6 years ago

Based on this pad ( ) and this previous discourse, here some possible updates for user stories:



End Prerequisites

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

As an Organization/Person I want to login into coopshares with OCE credentials

Suggest BotC credentials - and also in the pre-requisites.... although maybe I'm making an assumption that every person who trades coopshares need to be part of BotC.... do we know the answer to that? If it is meant to be wider than BotC, then OCE (really OCP) seems not relevant because it is basically FairCoop, it should be anyone? If it should be BotC only, then it is really BotC members, irrespective of credentials?

Other thoughts: Do we want to define what will be part of the initial pilot? If we are going to do existing botc shares for the pilot, I think we could put off some of these user stories (issuing shares, issuing social currency). Perhaps other, depending on the structure of BotC shares (are there different levels, are there bounties?)

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

depending on the structure of BotC shares (are there different levels, are there bounties?)

Investigation from BotC FAQ: "The bonus share: every purchase of 1000 social capital shares is rewarded with an additional bonus of 200 social capital shares. This bonus share allocation allows members to receive 20% more profit on BotC collective investments; if the profits generated are destined to be shared with investors, of course. Bonus shares are not refundable."

This leads me to believe that we don't need to support bounties in the pilot, this is not like a kickstarter bounty.

Should we separate out the pilot user stories and future user stories for this doc? I can verify in the chat too.

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

Some answers from the telegram chat:

  1. We should limit the pilot to just trading shares of BotC.

  2. People need to be member (regular or limited) of BotC to be able to trade shares. Unclear if we want to include limited members in the pilot, but so far there doesn't seem to be a reason not to.

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

Unclear if we want to include limited members in the pilot, but so far there doesn't seem to be a reason not to.

Update: Limited members are not supported yet in BotC. So would not be included in the pilot.

ivanminutillo commented 6 years ago

@fosterlynn so this pratically means that an agent can exchange the full amount of shares owned ?

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

@fosterlynn so this pratically means that an agent can exchange the full amount of shares owned ?

It more means that full shares are the only ones that can be traded as of now. (Limited shares will be for less that the full purchase price.) So agents can exchange how ever many full shares they want (and have of course).

vmatekole commented 6 years ago

@fosterlynn can you define a "limited share"

vmatekole commented 6 years ago

"A coop issues shares only when an agent asks for them"

I doubt this could work in the case of a conventional cooperative. It is important a cooperative can issue shares on-demand in order to preserve their nominal value. For example, if the capital assets of a cooperative ever increased in value — a cooperative would have to issue additional shares to reduce share price. From my knowledge this is required by law in most cooperative statutes.

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

@fosterlynn can you define a "limited share"

Clarification: It is not "limited share", it is "limited member". From Enric: Limited members will be later, probably around same time that full launch of coopshares.

My understanding of a limited member is that the member has purchased less than the minimum 100 euro standard individual membership.

vmatekole commented 6 years ago

To clarify the last comment by me — "A coop issues shares only when an agent asks for them" — it seems to suggest that a coop will only issue shares when bought by an investor. An agent also needs to issue shares at the start of a coop or to dilute the total value of shares.

vmatekole commented 6 years ago

@fosterlynn Just to clarify — you mean the €100 fee for being a BOfC member?

fosterlynn commented 6 years ago

@fosterlynn Just to clarify you mean the €100 fee for being a BOfC member?

Yes. But I believe it isn't a "fee" that is paid and then not yours any more. So the €100 is more of an investment, and gives you 100 shares, if I understand correctly.

From the website: Individual Full Member: 100€ = 100 shares