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[自动化文稿录入]1966.12.30-12.31英国人在北京街头看到的大字报 #1894

Closed PirateBook1 closed 1 year ago

PirateBook1 commented 1 year ago
    source_name: '1966.12.30-12.31英国人在北京街头看到的大字报',
    internal: true,
    official: true,
    author: '英国驻华外交官',
    archive_id: 1,
    articles: [{
        title: '1966.12.30-12.31英国人在北京街头看到的大字报',
        authors: ['英国驻华外交官'],
        page_start: 1,
        page_end: 2,
        dates: [
                year: 1966,
                month: 12,
                day: 30,
                year: 1966,
                month: 12,
                day: 31,

1230 12 31

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
 "title": "1966.12.30-12.31英国人在北京街头看到的大字报",
 "parts": [
 "type": "paragraph",
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "-8-30December30Public Security Forees"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Ministry of Public Security appears to bereceiving increasingattention.On the afternoon of 30 Decembertherewasalargecrowoutside its headauartersin T'ien An Men,which though itdid no"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "opearparticularly hostile or riotous,was being exhorted by afemale voiceoveramegaphone from inside the gates of the inistryto disperse anigo nome.She claimed that the Public Security Ministry was an organof the dietatorship ofthe proletariat and they could not simplyburstin(ch'ung chin)and cause confusion(ta luan)The voice through fhomegaphone told the crowd that ifthey had any demands tomaketheymustsena inrepresentatives and not try to burstinto the building.AtthispointIleft.When Ireturned twentyminutes later,the crowa nadgrown and amale voice at themegaphone was pointing out thattheCentra1 Committee,the Great Hal1 of the People,the BroadcastingStation and the Ministry of Public Securitywere sacrosanct and couldnotbe broken into atwi11.He also claimed thatthe Ministry ofPublicSecuritywas faithfully carrying out the Cultural Revolution.Soldierswere attempting to clearapath through the crowd with little success.Sincethe majority of those presentwere onlookerg,itwas impossibleto determine what had led to this scene。By this timethe attentionoftne crowd around was centred on me and in the midst of hostileglances and questions,Ithought it time to leave."
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Alarge-type serialposternot farfromTlien An Mien proclaimedwWe sternly demand that the Ministry ofPublic Security execute(chiangpi)P’eng,Lo,Luand Yang.Asimilarposterdemanded thethoroughre-organisation ofthe Nant'ung Public Security Bureau(Nant'ung isinKiangsu Province).31.Worker8"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Iwas informed by the attendant atthe taxi stand in Wang Fu-chingthatworkers were electing delegations anddespatching them to Peking32.Otherposters"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "(1)Aserial posternearT'ien An Men ran as follows:TheKiangsi Party Committeeisfaithfullyimplementing the bourgeoisLineofLiu 3hao-ch'i(ii)Aposterput up beforemy eyesread we sternly deand thatLiFu-chun should go to the7th Ministryof Machine Building toinvestigate”(iii) Another poster said:Pluck out those behind the UnitedAetion Commi tteewCthere are several other references to thisCommittee but I have not yet seen anything which ciarifies itsmeaning)(iv)Burn Ch'enYin(described as'ola officerCh'en');Bombard theM.F.A.AStrip poster in large characters(v)2639);Bombara rao Chu”:Dowmwith Hsiao Wang-tung(5618,2598(vi)”Bombard the Hinistry ofPosts and Telegraphs;and(vii)KickLiu Shao-chiand Teng Hsiao-p'ing outofthe"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Politburo”33.Liu Snao-chli"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Thereare a large number of posters and cartoong attacking Liu,sometimes by himself and sometimes in companywith Teng Hsiao-p'ing"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "-10-31December35.gaoChu"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Several more posterg attacking 'ao Cnu have appeared datedand 31 DecemberOne simply saysiir'ao Chuis atwo-faced hypocrAsecona group ofpostersrepeats this accusation and claims thataoChu has suppressed the revolutionary activities of the People'sUni-versity and demandsthat he return there tomake a self-confession.This second group of posterswas signed by students fromthe People'sUniversity.36."
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "United Action committee"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Aposteron the pavement in r'ien An Men dated 31 Decembercondemns the United Action Committee for holding alblackmeeting”onMao’s73rd birthday(this was 26 December)to oppose the CulturalRevolution Commission and Mao himself.(We are still not quite sureaboutthe role of the United Action Committee37.Regiona"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "A serial poster extenas respects to those fighters who took partin the(decisive?)struggle in Sinkiang on 19 December”我Otherposterg attack the Yunan Provineial Committee ana the South-West Bureau.38.WuTeh"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "A long poster purported to expose thereal featuresof wu Tehand the newPeking ifunicipa1Committee.39.Eo-p9"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "A poster dated 30 December demanded that irevisionistPo I-poshould be handed over to the workersoMinistryofNational Defence"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Athree-part serial posternot farfrom T'ien An MenproclaimedIRazetheindustrialoffice ofthe Ministry of Defence(kuofangkungpan),burnLi Fu-ch’uin and thoroughly strikedown the7thMinistryofMachine Buildingi.Newsmedia"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Abrief poster demanded thatthenews media worla should beshaken up42.Red Guard Rtvalrtes"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Red Guard rivalriesmay bereflected in apostersigned by studentsofthe Film Academy which complaing thatsome peopleaonotal1owothergto speak'and goes on to accuse the Third Headquarters ofsuppressing revolutionary activity.L3.Hunger strike"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "Aserialpostervoiced supportforthe struggle ofthe 4,OQ0peoplewho have gone on hunger strike.was unable to decypher whoorwhere these people were/2January"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "authors": [
 "dates": [
 "year": 1966,
 "month": 12,
 "day": 30
 "year": 1966,
 "month": 12,
 "day": 31
 "is_range_date": false,
 "comments": [],
 "comment_pivots": [],
 "description": "",
 "page_start": 1,
 "page_end": 2