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[自动化文稿录入]Taiwan Journal Publishes Secret Speech by Wang Hung-Wen #3282

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banned-historical-archives commented 11 months ago

@``` { source_name: "Taiwan Journal Publishes Secret Speech by Wang Hung-Wen", // 来源文件名称,书籍,数据库,报纸等等 archive_id: 3, articles: [{ title: "洪文在中央读书班的报告", authors: ['王洪文'], // 作者 page_start: 2, page_end: 18, dates: [ { year: 1974, month: 1, day: 14, }, ], }],ocr: { content_thresholds: [0.07, 0.07, 0,0], } }

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago
 "title": "洪文在中央读书班的报告",
 "parts": [
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "IX)1,TTT(Al,ANI)(X1()1(xJCAITAIWAN JOURNAL PUBLISHES SECRET' SPEECH BY WANG HUNG-WENTaipei CHUNG-KUNG YEN-CHIU (Studies on Chinese Communism) in ChineseVol8,No 12,28 Dec 74pp 93-100[Text](Editor's note: Presented below is a most important Chinese Com-munist document titled:“A Report by Wang Hung-wen to theCentral Readand Study Class?which was procured on the mainland by the parties con-cerned,Wang Hung-wen is vice chairman of the CCP Central Committee andone of the leading figures of the Cultural Revolution faction。 Eventhough his report was published on 14 January 1974--prior to the massanti-Lin Piao and Confucius campaign--nevertheless fts contents do shedlight on the overall political situation on the mainland prior to thecampaign and on the complexity of the power struggle within the party andthe reasons for launching the campaign.The speech is published hereexpressly for those scholars who are engaged in the study of the problemsonthe mainland。)I will go over the problems of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolutfon[hereafter CPCRIWe recently have encountered the following situation:In some provinces,big,difficult and longstanding problems have goneunresolved,the principal one being failure to comply with the line。Nowin some areas,aside from a small number of bad individuals,mogt of thishas been attributable to the line of the leaders.They have not imple-mented it correctly,principally because they have handled the CPCR,themasses and the movement incorrectly。The initial shock,as in the caseof the 12 factories in Szechwan,was quite a problem, yet a problem of ageneral nature, one which I will cover here today,with the hope that itwill serve to get everyone to review IChairman] Mao's directives issuedsince the start of the CPCR。Our comrades are currently studying thesalient pointsof Mao's five most recent directives and those of the NewYear's Day editorial by the JEN-MIN JEN-PAO,HUNG-CH'I and the CHIEH-FANGKUN PAO,which have covered this problem.So there is good reason to takesome time to study and discuss the problems of the GPCR.1.Why must we correctly acknowledge the real significance of the GPCR?We must do so because the GPCR was a significant event related to theconsolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the prevention ofthe reatoration of capitalism。As al1 of you know,the CPCR was writteninto the political reporta issued by the 9th and 10th party congresses,aewell as the party constitution.The matterg on which decisfons were madeat the party congress should be observed and executed by al1 of the membersof the party。 The new year has begun。The national and internationalsituation is quite good。Insofar as the revolution is concerned,thesituation is very good--a truly excellent situation overall。We mustdevelop the excellent situation and do a good job in managing our internalaffairs and lay a solid foundation.Should we desire to solve 8ome of theproblemg in the cities and provinces,we first must 8olve the problemgrelated to the line; and in handling these problems correctly,the fore-most thing we must do is deal correctly with the problemg of the GPCR。Defending the CPCR is tantamount to defending Mao's revolutionary lineEach of us members of the communist party, especially the middle levelcadres,should shoulder this task even more 8o。So as to understand fully the great importance of the GPCR,the firstthing we must do is restudy Mao's important directives pertaining to theCPCR.This is our key to understanding the GPCR·There are some indi-viduals at present who have forgotten Mao's directives.There are sti11a small number of districts which continue to practice dictatorship ofthe bourgeolsie,As early as the end of 1964,when the GPCR was just getting underway,ata time when the play Hai Jui Dismissed From Office' was being criticizedMao pointed out:iThe issue at point in 'Hai Jui Dismissed From Office'is dismissal from office。Emperor Wan Li dismissed Hal Jui from officeand in 1959 we dismissed P'eng Te-huai from office.P'eng Te-hual wasanother Hal Jui. This clearly showg that the GPCR was a great politicalrevolution of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.It was by no meanga simple academic debate,In the early period of the movement,8omepeople fell into this trap and thought it was an academic debate。In fact,uder the direction of Liu Shao-ch'i,P'eng Chen and company burst forth,dishing out the revisionist February Outline\" which was really aimed atprotecting the rightists and striking at the leftists,and vainly attemptedto gulde the movement onto the bourgeois track of pure academic discussion.Mao resolutely had P'eng Chen and company step aside and at the same timepointed out that the old Propaganda Department was the palace of the Kingof Hades and that it was necessary to overthrow the King of Hades andliberate the little devils.As Mao has said,we have long advocated thatonce the central organs begin doing bad things,we will summon the countryto arise and attack the Central Committee,Doing bad things' here meanginstituting revisionism。In Hangchow Mao once asked Comrade Hsu Shih-yuiwhat would you do if the Central Committee began proceeding along revi-slonist lines?” Mao has repeatedly discussed this question。In May 1966,Mao personally sponsored and initiated the 16 May' circular which servedas a program document for the GPCR。In this document Mao set forth manyimportant directives。Mao pointed out:iThose representatives of thebourgeoisie who have sneaked into the party,the government,the army andthe various Spheres of culture are a pack of counterrevolutionary revi-Slonists.Once conditiong are ripe,they wlll Beize power and turn thedictatorship of the proletariat into a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.Some of them we have already seen through, others we have not。Some arestill trusted by ug and are being trained as our successorg--persong likeKhrushchev,for example,who are still nestling beside us。Party com-mittees at all levels must pay full attention to this matter.” Thisdirective has already been publishedIt is a most important directiveYet at the 9th and 10th party congresses there were some who forgot itscontents and some who failed to recognize the existence of capitalistroaders,In response to Mao's call, the broadly based revolutionary masses plungedthemselves into the Cultural Revolution,This threw Liu Shao-ch'i andcompany into a panic,and Liu Shao-ch'i hastily concocted a bourgeoigreactionary line and personally suppressed the revolution. At thig keymoment,Mao personally convened the llth Plenary Session of the EighthParty Central Committee,drew up the 16 Articles and studied my bigcharacter poster entitled ”Bombard the Headquarters.” And so the aweep-ing GPCR got underway。Mao made a lofty appraisal of the CPCR,pointingout that the great magnitude of the GPCR had positively aroused the massegand would have a profound significance with respect to the revolutionizingof the thinking of our nation's people. Mao issued a call:You must con-cern yourselves with the great tasks of our country and carry out the GPCRto the very end. Mao incited revolutionary youths to face the world andbrave the storm during the course of the GPCR and to temper themselves,becoming successors to the cause of the proletarian revolution during thestruggle. At this time Mao also showed concern for the broad masses ofcadres and warmly directed them: iYou should put politics in command 80among the masses and join in with them in making the GPCR a success. Maosincerely hoped that the older generation of proletarian revolutionistswould uphold this advanced phase of the revolution and render new meri-torious services during the GPCR。By the end of 1966,the CPCR manifested an excellent situation.With theapproach of 1967,Mao, on 26 December, discussed “the launching of aclass struggle throughout the nation and on all fronts” (Editor'g note:The text at this point has:“launched next year simultaneously through-out the nation and on all fronts'),which involved usurping power from asmall band of capitalist roaders holding positions of power within theparty· As early as November 1966,Mao resolutely supported the movementby the Shanghai workers in rebelling against the bourgeoisie。When themovement took place,Mao was elated,The 16 Points state:The young arethe pathbreakers of the GPCR: the workers,peasants and soldiers are 1t8main force. Comrade (Chang Ch’un-ch'iao) of the central leadership wasdispatched to Shanghai to support the workers’movement,and manage theAn-t'ing affair and endorse the revolutionary rebel organization estab-lished by the workers themselves.[AS stated in] Mao's directive: It ispermissible to take action first and report to one's superlors later,which is to say,the event precedes the concept.At the end of 1966,Maoagain stated in a directive: “There 1s great hope for Shanghai: theworkers, students and organ cadres there have all arisen. Under theleadership of Mao's warm-hearted care and the proletarian headquartersheaded by Mao and supported by the PLA stationed at Shanghai, thereerupted a struggle to seize power from the hands of a small band of capi-talist roaders within the party.This was not a matter which involved Shanghat alone but one which involvedthe entire nation.If it had not been Mao and the Party Central Committeewho seized power,it never would have been seized。On 16 January 1967Mao presided over a meeting of the Standing Commlttee and enthusiasticallyendorsed the struggles for power from below, With respect to the powerseizures involving WEN HUI PAO and CHIEH-FANG KUN PAO,he made a loftyassessment of the situation。He pointed out that this is a great revolu-tion,a great revolution involving the overthrow of one class by another。This affair provided a major stimulus to the expansion of the GPCR ineastern China as well as in the provinces and cities throughout ChinaOn 26 January Mao issued another great call to the people,“The PLAshould support the leftist masses.n Mao further summarized the basicexperiences of those engaged in the struggle to seize power。Mao Bald:iLet the revolutionary faction of the proletariat unite and seize powerfrom the small band of capitalist roaders within the party.\" He pointedout,moreover,that in those areas and units where selzure of power wagnecessary,the aim of those involved should be to implement the three-wayaliiance of the revolution and promote the establishment of temporaryrevolutionary organs which are revolutionary,representative and based onproletarian power。 These organs were called IRevolutlonary Committeeg.In January,power was seized in Shanghai.While combating the evil windgof counterrevolutionary economism, the Party Central Committee,the Mili-tary Commission of the Central Committee, the Cultural Revolution Groupof the Central Committee and the State Council sent a congratulatory telegram in which they indicated a desire to place the fate of the GPCR andof the dictatorship of the proletariat in the hands of the proletariat。During August and September of 1967,while inspecting the three majorregions [of the country],Mao made a most fmportant observation concern-ing stepping up the expansion of the GPCR。Mao elatedly pointed out:The GPCR situation throughout the country is excellent, not bad。 Thesituation as a whole 1s better than at any time in the past.At the high tide of the GPCR,Mao far-sightedly pointed out,iThe presentCultural Revolution is the first of fts kind。Many more should be pro-moted hereafter。Who wins and who 1oses in the Cultural Revolution wi11be decided by history。 IE it 1s badly implemented,the revival of capi-talism at any time will lurk as a possibility。No party member of personin this country should think for one minute that after having one, two,three or four cultural revolutiong they can then take it easy。By no meangshould we ever let down our guard.nComrades,let us think back for a moment.These directives of Mao weremost important.That was the time of the ninth line struggle,which wasfollowed by a tenth.When reading these directives at the time, it wasoften the case that we fafled to grasp their meanings and dtd not readthem with comprehension.It was only with the passage of time that webegan to comprehend them.We have aneed to study these directives.Theyare very important fnsofar as raising our consciousness of class struggleis concerned,The Central Comnittee has recently collected Mao's direc-tives pertaining to the GPCR and published them asa book。Only when Mao'sdirectives are understood will we be able to discern Marxism from revi-sionism,which in turn will benefit the expansion of the struggle againstrevisionism。Why do I bring this up?The primary reason is that thereare still some comrades in the party who do not understand this。2.The great victory of the proletariat.From the serfes of directivesdiscussed above, it is plain that Mao has initiated and led this culturalrevolution with a great deal of determination. At present this revolution has attained immense victories。In the first place it brought aboutthe destruction of the bourgeois headquarters headed by Liu Shao-ch'f。This was a major victory,The Cultural Revolution at one and the sametime has tempered the broad masses of cadres as weli as the masses ofpeople and it has brought about a revolution in the superstructure andgreater production in industry and agriculture, greatly facilitating theliberation of production power。While numerous comrades have witnessedthis,a small number have failed to comprehend ft,This was a movementwhich quickly manifested Marxism,Leninism and Mao ITse-tung] Thought onawide scale,This movement is proceeding deeply throughout the countryPractice over these last 8 years fully substantiates Mao's directive:iThe current GPCR is absolutely necessary and most timely for consoli-dating the dictatorship of the proletariat,preventing capitalist restora-tion and building socialism. If we had not had this Cultural Revolutionwhat would the situatfon in our country be like at this moment? TheCentral Committee has recently prepared some materials (Lin Piao and thedoctrines of Confucius and Mencius) for distribution throughout the partyfor purposes of criticism. Lin Piao and his wife,Yeh Chun, along withthe likes of Ch'en Po-ta,all had an intense hatred of socialism. Thisprompted discussions among those of us working there, and we became veryangry.With respect to this phase of the Cultural Revolution, our classenemies inside and outside of the country quite naturally attacked us inevery conceivable way。This is not at all strange。Chiang [Kal-shek]also has cursed the Cuitural Revolution,The Soviet revisionist newsservices have been revfling it for 7or 8 years now。In his “571”counterrevolutionary outline for staging a coup d'etat, Lin Piao employedthe language of the Soviet revisionists to curse us。Yet as Mao has sald1To be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing but a good thing.t Thisproves that our handling of the GPCR was correct。The more deeply wecriticize Lin Piao and Confucius,fthe morel Chiang, the South Koreans,the South Vietnamese and the Soviet revisionists curse us。From a classviewpolnt,this situation is not abnormal.The problem is that within ourown ranks, including people inside and outside of the party, some comradegeven today are still no different than 7or 8years ago when they did notunderstand [the Cultural Revolutionl,did not take it seriously and didnot work hard for it。·Some are even confusing right and wrong, callingblack white and describing the Cultural Revolution as all black, likeningitto a flood of wild beasts.Some have said that once started,theCultural Revolution was enough to make one's hair stand on end。In theParty Constitution adopted at the 1Oth party congress,the Party Resolution states that cultural revolutions will be repeated many times in thefuture,Some have said that the Cultural Revolution was entirely unneces-sary and should not be repeated again,Especially among the upper andmiddle level cadres,one hears all sorts of things。Some say,whilegreat victories have been realized from the Cultural Revolution,we cannotsee the victories from where we are. This 1s to say that the victoriescannot be seen from any place,the sum total being that they cannot beseen anywhere in the entire country.So then what need was there for it?AS stated earlier,the Cultural Revolution brought down two bourgeoigheadquarters.This was a great victory。How can anyone fail to see 1t?Whoever says that he cannot see it is placing himself outside of the partyand the masses.If Liu Shao-ch'i,Lin Piao and company had seized power,capitalism would have been restored and Chinese society would have re-verted to a feudalistic, semi-colonial society,subsequently becoming acolony of Soviet revisionist social-imperialism, with the heads of millionsfalling to the ground,If this had happened,would you still say that youcould not see it? We say that the Cultural Revolution was necessary andtimely not only for the whole country but for each factory,school andunit,Mao has said,iThe correctness or incorrectness of the ideologicaland political line decides everything.WThe lines of Liu Shao-ch'i andLin Piao influenced these units but only to varying degrees.Mao's revo-Lutionary line prevailed in most localities.In some localities therevisionist line was fairly in the case of the oldPropaganda and Organization Departments,These two fmportant organiza-tlons were not under our control.Not to mention the cultural front wherethe bourgeoisie had exercised leadership for many years, the influence ofthe revisionist line on the industrial front has run very deep.The situation after the Cultural Revolution improved considerably。If control ofthe factories by the experts along with their regulatory,repressive,slavish compradore philosophy 1s not eliminated, how will the members ofthe working class ever become the masters of the factories? It has beendue to disturbances caused by the revisionist line that our steel [produc-tionl has lingered on for 10 years。Some enterprises are in our handsonly in appearance。In essence they are in the hands of the agents of thebourgeoisie,Some are even in the hands of capitalists (Some of the plantsin Shanghai are actually run by capitalists)。 Should we not have such arevolution in these units,what would happen? How would we be able toplace the powers of leadership in the hands of the proletariat? Maofarsightedly launched a cultural revolution in order to solve this problem。But even this one was not enough,At present,in some unit3 in variouscittesand provinces,thekey issue is one of leadership,The masses can-not be blamed.We cannot say that the masses are bad, This is not to sayof course, that all of those concerned are bad。Some are good men,buttheir thinking is revisionist and capitalistic. Should we point thisproblem out to them one day,these comrades will change for the betterSome 7or 8 years have elapsed since the beginning of the Cultural Revolution。The problems in some localities should have been solved already.If one wants to solve a problem,the first thing he must do is find itssource.Only by doing so will the right remedy be found。 Some peoplecannot make a distinction between good and bad and attribute the badthings in a unit to the Cultural Revolution, or they regard these badthings as the hereditary diseases of the Cultural Revolution。This iswrong.They are the hereditary diseases of revisionism。 How can they beregarded as the hereditary diseases of the Cultural Revolution? This goesto show that launching the Cultural Revolution was absolutely necessaryThose localities where the 1ine has not been properly [implemented] havenot been able to unite and the broadly based cadres and masses have un-covered bad individuals。Some have not done a good job in criticizingLin Piao and Confucius,Recently we solved the problem in 12 factoriesin Szechwan。What was the problem?The problem was that the criticismof Lin Piao had not been carried out in depth。We believe that all prob-lems can be solved,provided we do things in the spirit of the CulturalRevolution,The Tatung tank factory had some problems for several year8This time they were solved in 2 months.The main thing is that a wrongline was implemented there.Naturally we do not deny the fact that insome individual units there were some troublemakers。It was necessary tOarouse the masses to isolate these people。Regarding all problems ashereditary diseases of the Cultural Revolution means to practice whatprevailed before the Cultural Revolutions Things wil1 become even worse。At a cadres meeting held in Kiangsi Province,some persons spread thecounterrevolutionary sayings:iSweep the temple clean in order to usherin the true god” and “old marshals should return to their original posi-tions and the rank-and-file soldiers to their camps,in an attempt tooppress all rank-and-file soldiers。 Recently I saw a cable saying thatthe rank-and-file soldiers there have all rebelled and have harassed twoLeaders,placing them under duress but not breaking them。This is a truth[i.e.,a natural outcome given the situation in the place in questionl。I told some comrades from Kiangsi:you people are trying to reverse theverdicts of the Cultural Revolution.I told them this before the 10thparty congress but to no avail.I told them again during the loth partycongress but again to no avail, Yet there is no need to worry,theCentral Committee is aware of this matter。(Editor's note:Not one ofof the above is of respectable ability [reference uncertain,tr。])。There are also those who say that the Cultural Revolution was all well andgood but wonder whether it was really necessary to launch it in such afashion.In other words,we should not use the four great weapons and notarouse the masses to air their views freely,write big-character poster8and hold great debates.They do not approve of the limitless revolu-tlonary masses or aunified proletariat seizing power from those in powerwithin the party who are taking the capitalist road.The point here 1sthis:by negating all of this,wein turn negate the GPCR.In a talkbyMao in 1967,he pointed out:In the past we initiated struggles in thecountryside, in the factories and in the cultural realm.We promotedSocialist education movements.We still were not able to solve our prob-lems,because we had not found a method--a method which was open and allembracing,motivating the masses from top to bottom and exposing our darkside。We now have found such a method,namely, the GPCR. To tell thetruth,were it not for the Cultural Revolution, how could we ferret outthose well-hidden renegades like Liu Shao-ch'1? In the past,we were com-pletely unaware of Liu Shao-ch'1's actions as a renegade,his crimeg andhis historical background。They were discovered by the Red Guards whochecked everywhere during the Cultural Revolution.(Of course,we alreadyrecognized the revisionist trash he openly peddled.) At the same time,hadthe Cultural Revolution not been carried out in such a fashion,how wouldit have been possible to discover those new emerging things such as therevolutionary committees,the 7May cadre schools and the educated youngpeople settling in the countryside? It would have been impossible to do 8o。Nor could agricultural production have been expanded s0 quickly。 Had wenot had a mass movement on So large a scale as that of the Cultural Revo-lution,the dissemination of Marxism and Mao Thought would not have beenpossible, Of course,the Cultural Revolution was a new born thing whichunderwent a process of development and perfection within itself。Mao haspointed out:An historical experience worth noting is that a line and apoint of view have to be discussed over and over again. Discussing themwith only a few individuals is not enough.They have to be made known tothe masses.In some places at present,the directives of Mao and theCentral Committee have been blocked by certain individuals, preventingthem from being passed on to the masses。Sometimes the masses are givendirectives without being told which of them have been issued by Mao,whichof them have been issued by the Central Committee and which of them havebeen issued by the individuals themselves.Some individuals,when praising' the Cultural Revolution,say that duringthe Cultural Revolution the masses were disobedient: they wrote big-character posters without good reasons: and everyone talked at the sametime during meetings。Was this at all correct? In actuality this was avictory of the Cultural Revolution.Mao has long pointed out,Our party has got to be lively and fresh andnot so moribund.” Mao once told Wang Hai-jung:Students can doze offor read novels in class.” Some people do not understand this.My understanding of this is that students should not be bored to death,ratherthey should be encouraged to dare to rebel against revisionism.In the units [of the PLA] there also exists the guestion of unconditionalobedience vis-a-vis absolute obedience.Yet obedience is conditional,notunconditional,ThoseordersJwhich are compatible with Marxism and MaoThought should be obeyed; those which are not should be opposed。In carry-ing directives issued from the upper levels,we members of the communistparty do So with an awareness that we must comply with the line and carryout correct lines and correct orders.Incorrect ones should not be car-ried out。Some people are displeased with this idea, saying that it isdifficult to control those fighters who love to offer opiniong。Thig i8natural。Presently,political incidents often occur mainly because rudeactions are taken to control these fighters,rather than doing deep-goingmeticulous political work。As a result,problems have cropped up and contradictions have sharpened,The key problem here is also one of line, asin the case of dealing with the masses. The situation has now developed[to the pointJ that we must study our ideological work and the ways ofdoing it,Using only those of the past will never do。We regard this as something good,Some people think otherwise,In aSocialist country such as ours,the workers,peasants and soldierg arethe masters.This point should not be forgotten. This was pointed outin the report of the 10th party congress.We must have a revolutionaryspirit of daring to go against the tide, such as that of the two youngstudentg reported in the papers lately--one named Huang Shuai and theother from Kwangtung. They started out by writing a letter to the JEN-MINJEN-PAO, seeking support。 The things they wrote were on the level andquite moving.In our view they should be Supported。Mao recently issued the instruction:“why does an ox have two horns?They are used for struggle. He had already made this statement in 1955。Mao also has instructed us:iwe are all communist party members。Why dowe beat around the bush?It is necessary to talk less and criticize moreWe must rely on our horns,the pair of horns on our head,the masses ofworkers,peasants and soldiers who dare to oppose the revisionist line.tSome units fear the use of the ”four great weapons” mentioned in thereport delivered at the 1oth CCP National Congress。They are scared todeath.Up to now they have not dared to arouse the masses to study thisreport,When the masses arise to wield the four great weapons” and goagainst the tide:we should give our approval,What have we got to fear?Only those who are revisionists are afraid to wield the nfour greatweapons.Whoever are Marxists and Leninists should support the revolutionary rebellious spirit of the revolutionary masses。Mao has instructedus:If we do not even fear the imperialists,why would we on the otherhand begin to fear the people? Those who fear the people, who believethat the masses are unreasonable,who can only coerce,who cannot persuadethese type of people are not true communist party members,are not truecommunists. Some people cannot accept this statement of Mao; they areinclined only toward suppression, and if they cannot suppress,they makearrests。Some people have said:iveteran cadres won one victory after another inthe past,but they were repeatedly struggled against in the GPCR. Thisfs wrong,and does not coincide with the true feelings of the old cadres.One should say that the old cadres are the preclous treasured wealth ofthe party,they won one victory after another in the past,many of themwere wounded,but they did not think that because of this they coulddivorce themselves from the masses,that they could put on the airs of anofficial,rather,they actively took part in the cultural revolution: whenthey discovered their own personal faults and errors,they undertook self-criticism。They made a contribution to the GPCR,There were not just oneor two such old cadres,there were many of them.These are the truerepresentatives of the older generation of proletarian revolutlonartes。As to the accusation that some of the cadres came under attack quite frequently during the GPCR,this must be analyzed in concrete terms.Maosald,during his inspection of the three major regions:“why did somecadres come under the crlticism and attacks of the masses?One reasonwas that they carried out the bourgeols reactionary line and the masseswere angered;another was that they became blg officials,got largesalaries,considered themselves something special,put on airs,did notdiscuss problems with the masses,did not treat people equally,were notdemocratic, liked to lecture people, liked to curse them, and weredivorced from the masses.Under these clrcumstances,the masses had theirjust grlevances,but normally,had no outlet for expresslon。Then theGPCR erupted,and when it did,all hell broke loose, and they found them-selves 1n desperate straits. Cannot these people Mao mentioned be critf-cized? If you can lecture other people,why can the masses not give yousome criticlsm? Everyone is already famlllar with these instructions ofMao,but some people have forgotten that,As for those veteran cadres whofound themselves in desperate straits,the principle rone divides into two”tapples tothem.Some of them,taking the positive vlew, accepted thelessons of experience and became the veteran cadres who were trustedby the masses.There were a lot of these cadres,like Comrade Ma T'ien-shui of Shanghai,who had had a complete change of heart by the end of theGPCR,who were going down among the masses in even better ways,who wereimplementing the line properly。On the other hand,there were those whotook the negative view in summing up their experiences,and who,in facing the masses, tried to straddle the fence,who were timid and indecisive,and who in reality were still divorced from the masses,although theymight on the surface seem to be Just the opposite.There were those of yet another type who never gave the slightest thoughtto the overthrow of the two bourgeois headquarters during the GPCR, andits influence upon the course the nation would take, and who have neverforgotten the masses’attacks against them. After being liberated,andallowed to take office again,the minute they have the opportunity theySought to settle accounts wtth the masses.The Kiangsi cadres were likethis.The results of such actions,however,were that the accounts”linvariably settled on their own heads those who put on rthe three airs\"land did not change always had their downfall,If this problem is notcorrected,those who are liberated now will still have to be overthrown inthe future。Some people have said:I was dragged out and struggled against duringthe GPCR: this is a debt somebody must pay, and they'11 be lucky 1f I"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "don't demand interest。What is wrong with venting one’s anger? Weshould shout at these comrades that this is too dangerous!What debt dothe masses of people owe you? Mao asked:who gave us the authority wehave? The working class gave 1t to us the poor and lower middle peasantsgave it to us; over 90 percent of the broad masses of the laboring peoplegave ft to us,We represent the proletariat.We represent the masses ofthe people·If we overthrow the enemy of the people, then the people wil1support us.” “The most fundamental principle of the communist party isthat we rely directly on the revolutionary masses of the people. IE youinsist on extracting a payment from the masses,the masses have theauthority to take your power away from you.There is another tendency,and that is to consider Lin Piao's revisionistline as being ultra-rleftistt in essence。Actually,Lin Piao'srevision-ist line is ultra-rightist in essence,and not ultra-'leftist.It was asfar right as it could be。Not long ago someone in a university said:“Itis impossible to distinguish right from wrong if the ultra-'left' is notcriticized. The greatest proof of this is:who passes judgment on themerits or demerits of the past 17 years? The judgment has already beenhanded down. A11 those big-character posters of the GPCR stated the judgment; the minutes of the resettled youth educatfonal work conference ofthe Central Committee have already handed down the judgment,This 1s tosay that for the past 17years,Mao's line,basically, simply has not beenimplemented on the educational front。The front has been usurped by therevisionists.The letter of Mao to Chiang Ching stated:Peking Univer-sity and Tsinghua University have deep-rooted,1ong-standing,complicatedand serious problems.Now some people say that the minutes' are nolonger relevant,are a product of an ultra-leftist trend of thought, andspread such sayings everywhere.As far as some people are concerned,criticism of the ultra-lleft' and the criticism of Lin Piao are false andonly crtticism of the CPCR istrue.Our conclusion ts thatwIt is impos-Sible to distinguish right from wrong if ultra-rightists are not criti-cized. At present,to consolidate the achievements of the GPCR,we mustcrittcize the ultra-right essence of Lin Ptao's revisionist line。If wedo not criticize the ultra-right essence of Lin Piao's revisionist line,it fs absolutely fmpossible to consolidate and develop the tremendougachievements of the GPCRLast year there was an article studied by a certain unit claiming thatthe young people in that unit were ultra-rightists,that they could donothing correctly,and that they were all bad,If this is true, on whomshall we pin our hope for China's revolution? Who will be our successors?The instruction of the CCP Central Committee on the convocation of CYLcongresses at the provincial level pointed out that the majority of youngpeople are good.If this were not the case,there would be no future forour revolutionary cause,the glory would be gone。It should be noted thatcounterrevolutionary rumors are being spread in some localitieg,such assweep the temple clean, usher in the true god,old marehalg return totheir original positions,and the rank-and-file soldierg go back to theircamps.The crux of this matter is in the final two sentences:loldmarshals return to their original positions,rank-and-file soldlers goback to their camps. These implied that all renegades,special agentsand capitalist roaders were to be reinstated,and even Liu Shao-ch'1 wereto be invited back,and that all the newborn things which have emergedduring the CPCR were to be thrown out,This is typically restoration ofthe old,or restoratlon of capitalism.It may also be regarded as anattempt to counterattack and turn the tables.This rumor was spread bytwo high-ranking cadres of the army。It was very bad to spread suchthings,For instance,the Liu Shao-ch'i counterrevolutionary rumor wastaken as Mao's instruction in Kiangsi Province and was read to a meetingofa million cadres。This is not surprising.The reason was that 8omeof our cadres have a rumor mill in their heads,When a rumor reachedthem,they grinded ft out lmmediately。Viewed from a class standpolntthis is not unusual elther.Some people, although basically good,have long been unarmed ideologically,and are incapable of distinguishing fragrant flowers from poisonous weeds.Mao severely criticized this counterrevolutionary rumor and changed it toiSweep the temple clean, usher in a true god,old marshals return to thefront lines,and the rank-and-file soldiers should be promoted. Mao'sinstruction'fully embodied the revolutionary line on the question ofcadres.We should make full use of the older proletarian revolutionaries。This fs of the utmost importance.At the same time,we must expend greatefforts to nurture the successors to the proletarian cause--and not just afew,but hundreds of millions of them。To not make full use of the oldcadres ts a mistake。However,it is also wrong to evaluate a veterancadre in terms of his senlorlty instead of his performance in the present-day class struggle. The fact that they are veterans who participated inthe wars and struggles of the past is very important,but it is even moremportant to evaluate thelr consciousness and performance in the present-day class struggles.If their ideology is revisionist, can they possiblyfight well for the proletariat? It 1s our belief that, especially incritical times,cadres should not be evaluated only by 1ooking at theirbackground。It is necessary to look at their present performance, Pri-mary attention should be paid to their awareness of the line struggle.No matter if they are local or army cadres,whether new or old,theyshould all be thusly evaluated。If an old cadre is in error. he should be first observed and then helped,and be allowed to correct his mistakes.New cadres should be treated theSame。However,in some localities now,errant veteran cadres are watchedand helped and allowed to atone for their wrong doings,but new cadresfound to be delinguent are finished off with one blow。Why is it thaterrant veterans can be educated,while errant new cadres cannot be educatedand are shot down? This is not fair! It is not helping party unity! Maocriticized the great many people who looked down on the Children's Leaguesaying:you get to be teenagers or in your twenties and think you're sogreati” Now the new cadres have to be modests prudent, not conceited orself-complacent,or cocky,should respect the veteran cadres and 1earnfrom them.The veteran cadres should teach, help,and take the lead; thenew cadres will have some problems along these latter lines.Bringing up several million successors to the proletarian revolution 1s atremendous strategic measure; it is a great 100 year plan。We absolutelymust grasp this great venture well, and cultivate successors from the topall the way to the bottom.On this question of successors.there is notmuch resistance in the local areas,but considerable resistance in themilitary,and So Ihave recommended that several men in their thirties beput in command of the military regions.As for the GPCR,was ft really fine or was it really terrible? This hasbeen a dispute of 1ong standing。It was a recurring theme when the GPCRwas underway。P'eng Chen's February outline and Liu Shao-ch'1's bourgeoigreactionary line were intended to strangle the cultural revolution,Inessence,Lin Piao pursued the same brand of revisionist line ag Liu Shaoch'i.Prior to the 9th Party Congress,he and Chen Po-ta hatched apolitical report stressing productivity which asserted that the main taskafter the congress would be to develop production.It was a futile attemptto lend legality to an attack on the GPCR。Mao vetoed this politicalreport。Mao personally supported and stipulated the line of the 9th Con-gress,maintaining that the revolution would continue under the dictator-ship of the proletariat.After the 9th Congress,under the leadership ofMao's revolutionary line,the great victory of Smashing Lin Piao's anti-party clique was achieved and the movement of struggle-criticism-transformation deepened,But this did not put to rest the dispute onwhether the GPCR was fine or terrible,Since the Second Plenary Session[of the 9th Central Committeel,rightist trends have made their appearancesboth openly and secretly。People like Lung Shu-chin in Sinkiang, Liang andChen in Szechwan, and the cadres in Honan were of thistype.They tried toturn the criticism of Lin Piao and Confucius away from its general orienta-tion in an attempt to counterattack and overturn the GPCR。Their actiongwere actually part of the struggle between the two classes and between thetwo lines,and a continuation of that struggle。There will be furtherstruggles of this kind in the future.Mao recently said:“we needanother 10 years on the question of the GPCR. This is a reminder thatwe must be mentally prepared for a protracted struggle,Recently,comlrades seeing articles criticizing Lin and Confucius have said:ich’inShih Huang made a revolution that replaced one exploitative system withanother,and for that,he was the butt of denunciation for 2,000 years。Wil1 our GPCR fare any better? It is certain that some people willdenounce the CPCR。We must brace ourselves for the certainty that 10years from now,or decades from now, there will still be people who wi11Curseug and will try to reverse our verdict on Liu Shao-ch'i and LinPiao,Confucius died several thousand years ago,and there are sti11people who revere him; Ch'in Shih Huang had his revolution at that sametime,and as a result,has been cursed by people for 2,000 years。To oppose the GPCR 1s to oppose the 9th and the 10th party congresses.This is not atrifling matter.It is a matter of restoring capitalismit is a matter of revisionism. In my opinion, in order to oppose thecultural revolution, one must set up a capitalist dictatorship。Comradeslet there be no illusions that the capitalist roaders are gone, that thewordscapitalist roaderi cannot even be mentioned。When revision of theconstitution and the party charter was discussed in some localities,therewere objections to mentioning capitalist roaders in the texts.What non-sense! As long as class struggle exists,the bourgeoisie wi11 look foragents in the party and thus there will be capitalist roaders.If therewere no capitalist roaders,all the movements in the past would have beenin vain。Therthree anti' and the five anti'movements,the anti-rightist movement in 1957,the anti-right deviationist movement in 1957,and the \"four clean-upsil campaign would all have been in vain, This iswhy it is written into the party charter.This is a big issue,not atrivial matter,In relation to some people who committed errors of goingthe capitalist road,after getting some aid,they changed theirways。But does this solve the problem? We cannot change to the extent thatthere are no more capitalist roaders,There were capitalist roaders be-fore,there will be capitalist roaders in the futureA few people stf11exercise dictatorship of the bourgeoisie over the masses today,and haveeven said there are no good guyg among the rebels,Where is the communistparty member spirit in such talks? The truth of Marxism,when boiled downto its basics, is contained in one sentence: It 1s permissible to rebel。Our old forefather Marx led us in rebellion. Some people cursed ug forhaving built a nation on rebellion.The Chinese Communists,under theleadership of Mao, rebelled against the imperialists,the feudalists,andthe bureaucratic capitalists,won and took over political power。What iswrong with that? During the cultural revolution we rebelled against thebourgeoisie,against all the exploiting classes and consolidated the dictatorship of the proletariat。What is wrong with that? Someformerrebels are now denouncing the rebels。They must have had a change ofheart and forgotten their past.The fight against the local bad gentryand the dividing of the land,wasn'tthat rebellion? If fighting Chiangwas not rebellion,what was it? Some people have forgotten al1 of thesethings,Naturally,the GPCR was something of a mixed kettle of fish,there was quite a lot of confusion,and a few bad guys wormed theirwayinto the ranks of the rebels.What was surprising about this? When wefirst organized the Red Army,was it that pure? It was not. This is anunavoidable phenomenon,How can they curse the rebels as being all bad?If the rebels were bad guys,aren't they denying themselves? They haveforgotten who it was that led our rebellions and who was the forefatherof our rebels.If acommunist does not rebel against capitalist roaders,what does he do?If a communist party member speaks against it,it would be like a betrayalof communism.A communist then,will rebel,will rebel against the bour-geoisie and the exploiting classes.Naturally,as far as the majority ofpeople are concerned,this is all an internal question。When a questionof understanding is brought up,they study Mao's instructions, revlew thespirit of the 10th Congress,and are able to reform: however,as far asthese comrades are concerned,they will find the root of their misconcep-tion in their world outlook and remold their world outlook according toMarxism,Leninism and Mao Thought。They may not be able to remold theirworld outlook in a few days.The two types of contradictiong may changeSome may take a turn for the good side, some may take a turn for the badside,The understanding of some communist party members is easy to re-mold,or can be completely changed,and the contradictions between us andthe enemy become contradictions among the people,Some contradictionsamong the people can turn into contradictions between us and the enemy。In the mind of some of our comrades,the cultural revolution is not seenas the necessary outcome of the class struggles since Liberation, butlike a bolt out of the blue sky,a morning revolution.There are evensome people who have spoken of the cultural revolution as being one hugemistake,as being extremely reactionary。They have even composed a bit ofdoggerel which goes:The old cadres return to their positions,the newcadres go to their units; the support left personnel return to theirbarracks,and the GPCR was one big Is this an ideological prob-lem or a typical case of idealist historical view? They now 1ook upon theGPCR as a great mistake,and take no interest in anything that is happen-ingatthe moment,and they wait.They are waiting for everything toreturn to normal. Then they will be happy。 They do not look upon devel-opment as an ascending spiral, rather they see it as running around inclosed circles.In the factories they impose the system of supervisionrestriction,and suppression; in the schools they emphasize book learningas the primary objective; they do everything by the old rules.What kindof ideology is this? This is a typically vulgar theory of evolution.Marxist dialectics and all other things are unceasingly advancing anddeveloping.But these conservatives,although they say they are all fordialectics,they are in fact against dialectics.At the mention ofenterprise management,they suggest restoring the old rules and regula-tions that the masses have already thrown out。They are enthusiastic aboutpaying hourly wages,wages based on clocked attendance, and cash rewardsetc,They say these things can arouse enthusiasm.The question they havenot considered is:What did the revolutions of the past decades dependupon? Was it awards? Was it hourly wages or pay by clocked attendance?It was not.What we relied on was Mao's revolutionary line.We reliedon the hundred million revolutionaries of the masses。We relied uponmillet plus rifles。If you want to talk about implementing materialincentives,the Soviet revisionists have implemented them with a vengeance。They have implemented them to the point that industry is stagnating andthey are encountering internal and external setbacks.If these thingswere such wonders,then why did the Leningrad workers rebel? Did theCPCR depend upon material incentives? Or did it depend on the conscious-ness of the masses? Or did it depend on Mao's revolutionary line mobi-lizing the masses? Naturally,this is not to say that we do not careabout the livelihood of the masses。But concern for the livelihood ofthe masses and material incentives are two entirely different things.Inorder to heighten the productivity of labor,we should look for methodsin the areas of technical improvements and in mechanization。On the basisof the expansion of production, appropriate increases in the standard ofliving of the masses are necessary,but to implement hourly wages andincentives isnot to show concern for the livelihood of the masses.Thiswould be a great slander against the working class.In building all thoserallroads,did our Railway Corps depend upon hourly wages? These warriorgreceived 8 yuan a month and no incentives.They depended entirely uponMao's Thought.Not everybody has to wrestle with these problems.Twoministries of the central government once tried this out,They ranexperiments in Shanghal and were booted out by the workers.This was anissue that directly concerned the cultural revolution。We have beendoing a 1ot of talking here. It is hoped that you comrades at thesesessiong wi11 return home and give some thought to these problems anddare to struggle.The very minimum thing to do is to make the CentralCommittee aware of these situationg.The question has been raised insome areas as to whether or not we can reinstitute the systems of regulations in force prior to the GPCR。In the planning work meeting,one ofthe workers made his answer very explicit: he said:No.He gavethree reasons.He said:First,we cannot accept the old systems oficontrol, restriction and suppresslon.' Secondly, we are opposed to(?)the mass payment of monthly bonuses。 Thirdly,what applied in thepast is not correct now。 Production has expanded;we cannot bring out theold ways and fit them without modification upon the new situations,justas an adult cannot wear the clothes of a child. This worker understooddialectics very well.What he sald was correct.The situation has im-proved and our guiding ideology must keep pace, and be in keeping with thenew situation. we must be resolutely opposed to retrogression. Mao hasinstructed us saying: iwe must g0 on discovering, inventing, creating andadvancing.Ideas of stagnation, pessimism, inertia and complacency areal1 wrong.We must make the Lin criticism rectification all pervasive,we must carry forward the movement to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius,and sum up the criticism of Confucius。In order to criticize the poisonof Lin Piao,we have to overthrow the Confucian shop.Confucius was thefirst thinker in China's history to systematically and comprehensivelypromote idealism。 A11 conservatives adulate Confucius。Lin Piao is themodern-day Confucius。The criticism of Lin Piao not only can be coordi-nated with the criticism of Confucius,but it must be so coordinated。We must destroy the Confucian shop in our minds。Confucius lived duringthe time of China’s great social change from the slave society to thefeudal society。He fiercely hated changes in the social system。Hedefended the slave system to the death, and opposed the feudal system.He plotted in vain to stop the advance of the wheel of history. Confuciushad been the prime minister in the state of Lu for only 7days when he hadthe revolutionary Hsfao-cheng Mao killed。When his student Jan Yu ghowedinnovative thinking,Confucius instigated the other students to attack him.Mao has said:Confucius had some very tyranical traits,and reeked offascism.He attempted to go against the tide of history。He wag in officeless than 3 months.Even when out of office,his restorationist ambltionwas not allayed.He traveled around lobbying for his ideas。Seeing the"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "!general fine situation, he decried that 'the rites have been forgotten andthe music lost,thinking that these were the greatest evils.Yesterdaythe JEN-MIN JEN-PAO reprinted an article by Che Chun。 I hope that every-"
 "type": "paragraph",
 "text": "one would take a good look at it, for it is very well written.\" (SeeJEN-MIN JEN-PAO,13 January 1974 article by Che Chun: Confucius’ Doctrineof the Mean Is the Philosophy for Opposing Social Reform.”)Some people have no affection for Marxism,have a lingering yearning forrevisionism, and sigh for it; they have no eyes for the new things of thecultural revolution, and are completely enamored of any old thing.Mao has said:iThe ideological and social system of capitalism 1s seeingthe time when·the sun presses on the western hills,the last breath hasbeen spent,the morning guarantees no evening. The communist ideologicaland social system alone is full of youth and vitality,sweeping the worldwith the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt.” Whywould a communist party member,who has chosen communism as the goal ofhis struggles,retain such a longing for the old things? This 1s a ques-tion which we sitting here have got to study seriously。Our main purpose is to remind our comrades to seriously study the seriesof important instructlons issued by Mao since the cultural revolution, andfirmly bear in mind the three basic principles concerning practicing Marxism and not practicing revisionism。 Recently Mao said:Revisionism wl11appear in China: our comrades must be alert for criticism of politicswith no understanding of politicg and criticism of the military commissionwithout understanding of either military affairs or of politice. Theseinstructions of Mao are suitable for being studied in government, in themtlitary,in schools,in the north,east,south and west,everywhere.Heis telling us to grasp serious matters,and these are indeed worthy of ourdiscussion. If revisionism is to appear in China,it will do so in theSuperstructure.Recently Mao instructed and personally requested that we sing the songiThree Main Rules of Discipline,Eight Points for Attention' because hewanted us to remember that only by being in step can we achieve victory。We must have a correct knowledge and understanding of Mao's instructions,so that we can effectively carry through in the spirit of the 10th partycongress,unite,and win still greater victories。CSO:4005"
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