bannertime / generator-bannertime

Yeoman generator to help build and manage HTML5 banner campaigns.
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docs: webkit border radius fix #9

Closed pyramidium closed 8 years ago

pyramidium commented 8 years ago

Recently a webkit bug was discovered which prevented border-radius from working as expected. The desired effect was to round the edges of a parent element which would mask the overflow of its child elements.

The solution was to create a webkit mask as follows:

 * Create dom elements.
Banner.prototype.createElements = function() {
  this.container = this.smartObject({
    height: 100,
    width: 100,
    parent: this.banner,
    overflow: 'hidden'

    this.innerElement = this.smartObject({
      backgroundColor: 'red',
      height: 100,
      width: 100,
      parent: this.container

 * Setup initial element states.
Banner.prototype.setup = function() {
  this.container.set({borderRadius: '20px'}); = 'url()';

This should be documented to help provide a solution to this webkit bug.

pyramidium commented 8 years ago