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aggregate results of multiple smart contract calls into one
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Multicall() does not work in pip version 0.7.9 #85

Closed tudorelu closed 5 months ago

tudorelu commented 1 year ago

Issue with: multicall==0.7.9

I create a Call (programmatically) which works if called it by itself. It calls the token0() function from a UniswapPair-like contract, returns the address of the base token for that pair .

Here are its details:

# on optimism mainnet


>>> c.function


>>> c.args

>>> c()
returns: [('0xf4d40ebCBf7063D4ff56C6Df0179a86287C648dE_base', None)]
decoded: ('0xb6599bd362120dc70d48409b8a08888807050700',)
{'0xf4d40ebCBf7063D4ff56C6Df0179a86287C648dE_base': '0xb6599bd362120dc70d48409b8a08888807050700'}

But does not work when called as part of a Multicall:

>>> Multicall([c],  _w3=w3)()
coroutine 0 started       
# and just stays here
raychangXrex commented 11 months ago

same issue here @0.8.1

zcc19960910 commented 10 months ago

Because the code is deadlocked! and all use

async with _get_semaphore(), so you must remove

then it is ok!!!

Python official example:

sem = asyncio.Semaphore()

await sem.acquire() try:

work with shared resource

finally: sem.release()

BobTheBuidler commented 5 months ago

fixed in #95