banto6 / haier

Apache License 2.0
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卡萨帝冰箱BCD-551WDCPU1四门状态不可用 #121

Closed chenjiezb closed 1 week ago

chenjiezb commented 1 week ago


问题描述 卡萨帝冰箱 BCD-551WDCPU1,传感器类别中【冷藏室左门、冷藏室右门、冷冻室门、变温室门】四个门开关状态均为【不可用】


设备信息 卡萨帝冰箱 BCD-551WDCPU1 ID:0713147ada6e0837c13bedc151d66c93

错误日志 2024-05-05 20:50:31.157 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration haier which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-05 20:51:09.905 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] SUPPORT_AWAY_MODE was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use WaterHeaterEntityFeature.AWAY_MODE instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 20:51:09.996 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use WaterHeaterEntityFeature.TARGET_TEMPERATURE instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 20:51:10.025 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use WaterHeaterEntityFeature.OPERATION_MODE instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 20:51:10.057 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] SUPPORT_AWAY_MODE was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use WaterHeaterEntityFeature.AWAY_MODE instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 20:51:10.110 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use WaterHeaterEntityFeature.TARGET_TEMPERATURE instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 20:51:10.156 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.components.water_heater] SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use WaterHeaterEntityFeature.OPERATION_MODE instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 20:51:10.174 WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [homeassistant.const] TEMP_CELSIUS was used from haier, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS instead, please report it to the author of the 'haier' custom integration 2024-05-05 21:34:49.454 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.haier.core.client] Sending heartbeat 2024-05-05 21:34:49.493 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.haier.core.client] Received websocket data: {"agClientId": "01ea1d33944f425196fa277be8c8aeXX", "topic": "HeartBeatAck", "content": {"sn": "ac3cd8a99fe58e4677e801f15e4c98XX"}}

banto6 commented 1 week ago


chenjiezb commented 1 week ago

{ "version": 1, "minor_version": 1, "key": "haier/device_ID.json", "data": "[{\"desc\": \"查询所有属性\", \"invisible\": true, \"name\": \"getAllProperty\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"getAllProperty\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"停止报警\", \"invisible\": true, \"name\": \"stopCurrentAlarm\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"stopCurrentAlarm\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"冷冻室显示温度(℃)\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"freezerTemperatureC\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"-15\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataStep\": {\"dataType\": \"Integer\", \"maxValue\": \"50\", \"minValue\": \"-38\", \"step\": \"1\"}, \"type\": \"STEP\"}, \"writable\": false}, {\"desc\": \"冷冻室设置档位\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"freezerTargetTempLevel\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"15\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"7\", \"desc\": \"-23℃或-5℉\"}, {\"data\": \"8\", \"desc\": \"-22℃或-4℉\"}, {\"data\": \"9\", \"desc\": \"-21℃或-3℉\"}, {\"data\": \"10\", \"desc\": \"-20℃或-2℉\"}, {\"data\": \"11\", \"desc\": \"-19℃或-1℉\"}, {\"data\": \"12\", \"desc\": \"-18℃或0℉\"}, {\"data\": \"13\", \"desc\": \"-17℃或1℉\"}, {\"data\": \"14\", \"desc\": \"-16℃或2℉\"}, {\"data\": \"15\", \"desc\": \"-15℃或3℉\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"人工智慧\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"intelligenceMode\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"false\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"false\", \"desc\": \"关\"}, {\"data\": \"true\", \"desc\": \"开\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"急冻室开关状态\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"speedFreezerStatus\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"false\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"false\", \"desc\": \"关\"}, {\"data\": \"true\", \"desc\": \"开\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"冷藏室设置档位\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"refrigeratorTargetTempLevel\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"3\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"2\", \"desc\": \"+1℃或32℉\"}, {\"data\": \"3\", \"desc\": \"+2℃或33℉\"}, {\"data\": \"4\", \"desc\": \"+3℃或34℉\"}, {\"data\": \"5\", \"desc\": \"+4℃或35℉\"}, {\"data\": \"6\", \"desc\": \"+5℃或36℉\"}, {\"data\": \"7\", \"desc\": \"+6℃或37℉\"}, {\"data\": \"8\", \"desc\": \"+7℃或38℉\"}, {\"data\": \"9\", \"desc\": \"+8℃或39℉\"}, {\"data\": \"10\", \"desc\": \"+9℃或40℉\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"速冻功能状态\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"quickFreezingMode\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"false\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"false\", \"desc\": \"关\"}, {\"data\": \"true\", \"desc\": \"开\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"速冷功能状态\", \"invisible\": 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\"step\": \"1\"}, \"type\": \"STEP\"}, \"writable\": false}, {\"desc\": \"珍品功能状态\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"rareFoodKeepingStatus\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"false\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"false\", \"desc\": \"关\"}, {\"data\": \"true\", \"desc\": \"开\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}, {\"desc\": \"变温室设置温度档位\", \"invisible\": false, \"name\": \"vtRoomTargetTempLevel\", \"operationType\": \"I\", \"readable\": true, \"value\": \"19\", \"valueRange\": {\"dataList\": [{\"data\": \"11\", \"desc\": \"-20℃或27℉\"}, {\"data\": \"12\", \"desc\": \"-19℃或28℉\"}, {\"data\": \"13\", \"desc\": \"-18℃或29℉\"}, {\"data\": \"14\", \"desc\": \"-17℃或30℉\"}, {\"data\": \"15\", \"desc\": \"-16℃或31℉\"}, {\"data\": \"16\", \"desc\": \"-15℃或32℉\"}, {\"data\": \"17\", \"desc\": \"-14℃或33℉\"}, {\"data\": \"18\", \"desc\": \"-13℃或34℉\"}, {\"data\": \"19\", \"desc\": \"-12℃或35℉\"}, {\"data\": \"20\", \"desc\": \"-11℃或36℉\"}, {\"data\": \"21\", \"desc\": \"-10℃或37℉\"}, {\"data\": \"22\", \"desc\": \"-9℃或38℉\"}, {\"data\": \"23\", \"desc\": \"-8℃或39℉\"}, {\"data\": \"24\", \"desc\": \"-7℃或40℉\"}, {\"data\": \"25\", \"desc\": \"-6℃或41℉\"}, {\"data\": \"26\", \"desc\": \"-5℃(软冷冻)或42℉\"}, {\"data\": \"27\", \"desc\": \"-4℃或43℉\"}, {\"data\": \"28\", \"desc\": \"-3℃(鱼鲜)或44℉\"}, {\"data\": \"29\", \"desc\": \"-2℃或45℉\"}, {\"data\": \"30\", \"desc\": \"-1℃或46℉\"}, {\"data\": \"31\", \"desc\": \"0℃(0°保鲜)或47℉\"}, {\"data\": \"32\", \"desc\": \"1℃或48℉\"}, {\"data\": \"33\", \"desc\": \"2℃(冰镇)或49℉\"}, {\"data\": \"34\", \"desc\": \"3℃或50℉\"}, {\"data\": \"35\", \"desc\": \"4℃或51℉\"}, {\"data\": \"36\", \"desc\": \"5℃(果蔬)或52℉\"}], \"type\": \"LIST\"}, \"writable\": true}]" }

banto6 commented 1 week ago


chenjiezb commented 1 week ago

谢谢大佬!另外发现【人工智慧、速冻功能状态、速冷功能状态、珍品功能状态、急冻室开关状态】也是【不可用】 Screenshot_20240505_231317

banto6 commented 1 week ago

可自行将不可用的实体名称在这里搜索 ,没有搜索到就是没有了

chenjiezb commented 1 week ago

以上5个实体的配置信息还在的,只是没能正确反映到实体状态上,辛苦大佬近期修复下,谢谢! 那四个门的配置确实没有了,没办法:(

banto6 commented 1 week ago
