bantucracy / ayanda

Android Library to discover nearby devices Offline
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Single vs multi "bundle" exchange #2

Open n8fr8 opened 6 years ago

n8fr8 commented 6 years ago

The model we need to support for an app like OpenArchive is a single "send once and done" model for sharing a file. However, for F-Droid, it is more a session model, with communication back and forth between a client and a server, like HTTP.

Can we support both a bundle/file and a socket/stream type interaction model for this library?

eighthave commented 6 years ago

The discovery stuff would absolutely be directly applicable to F-Droid as long as we can manage the connection and transfer side entirely. With F-Droid, it is literally a HTTP server on both sides, then both sides literally connect like a HTTP client. @sabzo