/ * packed_path - Path to the packed directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark
/ * unpacked_path - Path to the unpacked directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark
/ * manifest_path - Path to the manifest file to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark, until need is demonstrated to keep these.
use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, BatchSize, BenchmarkId, Criterion};
use dataprep_pipelines::{
pipeline::{pack_pipeline::pack_pipeline, unpack_pipeline::unpack_pipeline},
ensure_path_exists_and_is_dir, ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir, FileStructure,
use dir_assert::assert_paths;
use fs_extra::dir;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{env, fs, path::PathBuf};
use test_notifier::TestNotifier;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
mod perf;
// Configure the Benching Framework from the Environment -- or use defaults
lazy_static! {
// Bench set directory configuration
// Path we will use to hold our benchmarking data
static ref BENCH_PATH: String = env::var("BENCH_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "bench".to_string());
// Path we will use to hold inputs we build for benchmarking
static ref INPUT_PATH: String = env::var("INPUT_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "bench/input".to_string());
// Path we will use to hold packed data we build from inputs for benchmarking
static ref PACKED_PATH: String = env::var("PACKED_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "bench/packed".to_string());
// Path we will use to hold unpacked data we build from packed data for benchmarking
static ref UNPACKED_PATH: String = env::var("UNPACKED_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "bench/unpacked".to_string());
// Path we will use to hold the manifest files generated during benchmarking
static ref MANIFEST_PATH: String = env::var("MANIFEST_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "bench/manifest".to_string());
// TODO (make this work) IFTTT key to use for sending notifications
static ref IFTTT_KEY: String = env::var("IFTTT_TEST_WEBHOOK_KEY").unwrap_or_else(|_| "none".to_string());
// Test Set Generation configuration
// Defaults to a simple 4x4 file structure with 1Mb of data
// What sort of File Structures to generate --options [ simple, skinny, wide, file ]
static ref BENCH_FILE_STRUCTURES_STRING: String = env::var("BENCH_FILE_STRUCTURES").unwrap_or_else(|_| "simple".to_string());
// How big each test should be (in bytes) Try to use powers of 2 here
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "1048576".to_string()) // Default to 1Mb
// How wide a file structure can be
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "4".to_string()) // Default to 4
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "4".to_string()) // Default to 4
// Criterion Configuration
// Defaults to 10 samples per file structure, 30 seconds per sample, 5 seconds of warmup
// How long to run each sample for
static ref SAMPLE_TIME: usize = env::var("BENCH_SAMPLE_TIME")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "30".to_string()) // Default to 30 seconds
// How many samples to draw per File Structure per step
static ref SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = env::var("BENCH_SAMPLE_COUNT")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "10".to_string()) // Default to 10 samples
// How long to warmup for before starting to sample
static ref WARMUP_TIME: usize = env::var("BENCH_WARMUP_TIME")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "5".to_string()) // Default to 5 seconds
// Correctness Check Configuration
// Defaults to running a correctness check on the unpacked data - maybe don't use for large tests
// This should be fine for the default configuration
// Whether not to run a correctness check on the unpacked data
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "true".to_string()) // Default to true
/// Return a TestNotifier if we have an IFFTT key set, initialized with the given message
/// # Arguments
/// * `message` - The message to send to the TestNotifier
/// # Returns
/// A TestNotifier if we have an IFTTT key set, None otherwise
fn get_test_notifier(message: &str) -> Option<TestNotifier> {
// Get the string from the IFTTT key
let ifttt_key = IFTTT_KEY.as_str();
// If the key is not "none", then we want to send notifications
if ifttt_key != "none" {
println!("Sending notifications to IFTTT: {}", message);
// Create a notifier
// Otherwise, we don't want to send notifications
/// Read what File structures we want to test from the environment (or use defaults)
/// # Returns
/// A list of file structures to test from the environment
fn get_desired_file_structures() -> Vec<FileStructure> {
// Initialize a list of file structures to test
let mut desired_structures: Vec<FileStructure> = Vec::new();
// Get the list of file structures to test from the environment
let bench_file_structures = BENCH_FILE_STRUCTURES_STRING.as_str();
// Get the size of the test from the environment, as a usize
let bench_file_structure_size = *BENCH_FILE_STRUCTURES_SIZE;
// Split the list of file structures into a list of strings
let file_structures = bench_file_structures.split(",");
// Get the max width of the file structures
// Get the max depth of the file structures
println!("Declaring desired file structures:");
// Print the file structures we are testing
println!("-> Structures: {}", bench_file_structures);
// Print the size of the test
println!("-> Size: {}", bench_file_structure_size);
// Print the max width of the file structures
println!("-> Max Width: {}", max_width);
// Print the max depth of the file structures
println!("-> Max Depth: {}", max_depth);
// We're only gonna make balanced trees for now
let strategy = FileStructureStrategy::Balanced;
// Iterate through the list of file structures
for file_structure in file_structures {
// Add the file structure to our list of desired structures
match file_structure {
"skinny" => {
let structure = FileStructure::new(
max_width / 2,
"wide" => {
let structure = FileStructure::new(
max_depth / 2,
"file" => {
let structure =
FileStructure::new(0, 0, bench_file_structure_size, strategy.clone());
// catches simple and anything else
_ => {
let structure = FileStructure::new(
// Add the structure to the list of desired structures
// Return the list of desired structures
/// Populate the input directory with a with a test set to benchmark against
/// If the input directory already exists, it will be cleaned of any file structures we don't want to test
/// Any pre-existing file structures we want to test will be left alone
fn populate_input_dirs() {
// Get a test notifier
let _tn = get_test_notifier("Populating input directories");
// Get the desired file structures
let desired_structures = get_desired_file_structures();
// Get the paths we want to use by turning these into a list of paths
let desired_paths = desired_structures
.map(|f: &FileStructure| PathBuf::from(INPUT_PATH.as_str()).join(f.to_path_string()))
// Make sure the input directory exists
// Clean the input directory of any file structures we don't want to test
// Get a list of files and directories in the input directory
let input_dir = PathBuf::from(INPUT_PATH.as_str());
let input_dir_contents = input_dir.read_dir().unwrap();
// Iterate through the list of files and directories in the input directory
for _entry in input_dir_contents {
let entry = _entry.unwrap();
// If the path of the entry is not our list of desired paths, remove it
if !desired_paths.contains(&entry.path()) {
// If the entry is a directory, remove it recursively
if entry.path().is_dir() {
// If the entry is a file, remove it
if entry.path().is_file() {
// Populate the input directory with the desired file structures, skipping any that already exist
// Iterate through the list of desired paths
// Keep an index into our list of desired structures
let mut i = 0;
for entry in desired_paths {
// If the path does not exist, then we need to generate the desired files
if !entry.exists() {
// Get the desired structure
let desired_structure = &desired_structures[i];
// Generate the desired files
// Increment the index
i += 1;
/// Setup the benchmarking directories
/// Makes sure output directories exist and are empty
/// Makes sure the input directory exists and is populated with the desired file structures
/// Makes sure the packed directory exists and is empty
/// Makes sure the unpacked directory exists and is empty
/// Makes sure the manifest file directory exists and is empty
fn setup_bench() {
println!("Setting up benchmarking directories...");
println!("-> Bench Path: {}", BENCH_PATH.as_str());
println!("-> Input Path: {}", INPUT_PATH.as_str());
println!("-> Packed Path: {}", PACKED_PATH.as_str());
println!("-> Unpacked Path: {}", UNPACKED_PATH.as_str());
// Make sure the bench directory exists
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating bench directory: {}", e);
// Make sure the input directory exists
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating input directory: {}", e);
// Populate the input directory with the desired file structures, as needed
// Make sure the packed directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(&PathBuf::from(PACKED_PATH.as_str()), true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating packed directory: {}", e);
// Make sure the unpacked directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(&PathBuf::from(UNPACKED_PATH.as_str()), true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating unpacked directory: {}", e);
// Make sure the manifest directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(&PathBuf::from(MANIFEST_PATH.as_str()), true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating manifest directory: {}", e);
/// Make sure the packed and unpacked directories are empty, using the environment variables (or defaults) for the paths
fn cleanup_bench() {
println!("Cleaning up benchmarking directories...");
// Make sure the packed directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(&PathBuf::from(PACKED_PATH.as_str()), true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating packed directory: {}", e);
// Make sure the unpacked directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(&PathBuf::from(UNPACKED_PATH.as_str()), true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating unpacked directory: {}", e);
// Make sure the manifest directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(&PathBuf::from(MANIFEST_PATH.as_str()), true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating manifest directory: {}", e);
/// Make sure packed directory and manifest file are empty for packing
fn prep_pack(packed_path: &PathBuf, manifest_path: &PathBuf) {
// Ensure the packed directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(packed_path, true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating packed directory: {}", e);
// if the manifest file exists, remove it
if manifest_path.exists() {
/// Make sure the unpacked directory is empty for unpacking and that the manifest file exists
fn prep_unpack(unpacked_path: &PathBuf, manifest_path: &PathBuf) {
// Ensure the unpacked directory exists and is empty
ensure_path_exists_and_is_empty_dir(unpacked_path, true)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Error creating unpacked directory: {}", e);
// Make sure the manifest file exists
/// Benchmark packing - relies on input_path being populated!
/// # Arguments
/// * `c` - Criterion object
/// * `input_path` - Path to the input directory to use for the benchmark. This will change for each benchmark
/// * `packed_path` - Path to the packed directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark
/// * `manifest_path` - Path to the manifest file to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark, until need is demonstrated to keep these.
/// * `result_path` - Path to the results directory to use for the benchmark. This will change for each benchmark
/// * `timestamp` - Timestamp to use for the benchmark
fn pack_benchmark(
c: &mut Criterion,
input_path: &PathBuf,
packed_path: &PathBuf,
manifest_path: &PathBuf,
) {
// Get the filename of the input directory
let input_name = input_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
// We use the input_path + timestamp as the benchmark id
let bench_id = BenchmarkId::new("pack", input_name.to_string());
// Figure out how many bytes are in the input directory
let input_dir_size = dir::get_size(input_path).unwrap();
// Declare a runtime for the async function
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
// Declare a group to hold our Throughput benchmarks
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Throughput");
// Associate our input directory size with the benchmark group throughput
// Add the benchmark to the group
group.bench_function(bench_id, |b| {
// Operation needed to make sure pack doesn't fail
|| prep_pack(packed_path, manifest_path),
// The routine to benchmark
|_| async {
// TODO (amiller68) - make this configurable
// We need to make sure this data is cleared between iterations
// We only want to use one iteration
/// Benchmark unpacking - relies on PACKED_PATH and MANIFEST_PATH having packed data!
/// # Arguments
/// * `c` - Criterion object
/// * `packed_path` - Path to the packed directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark
/// * `unpacked_path` - Path to the unpacked directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark
/// * `manifest_path` - Path to the manifest file to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark, until need is demonstrated to keep these.
fn unpack_benchmark(
c: &mut Criterion,
packed_path: &PathBuf,
unpacked_path: &PathBuf,
manifest_path: &PathBuf,
) {
// Get the filename of the input directory
let input_name = unpacked_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
// We use the input_path + timestamp as the benchmark id
let bench_id = BenchmarkId::new("unpack", input_name.to_string());
// Figure out how many bytes are in the input directory
let input_dir_size = dir::get_size(packed_path).unwrap();
// Declare a runtime for the async function
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
// Declare a group to hold our Throughput benchmarks
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Throughput");
// Associate our input directory size with the benchmark group throughput
// Add the benchmark to the group
group.bench_function(bench_id, |b| {
// Operation needed to make sure unpack doesn't fail
|| prep_unpack(unpacked_path, manifest_path),
// The routine to benchmark
|_| async {
// We need to make sure this data is cleared between iterations
// We only want to use one iteration
/// Run our end to end pipeline benchmarks sequentially on multiple Input Directories
/// # Arguments
/// * `c` - Criterion object
pub fn pipeline_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
// Setup the bench - populate the input directory
// Get a test notifier
let _tn = get_test_notifier("Running Benchmarks");
// Where we will store our input sets
let root_input_path = PathBuf::from(INPUT_PATH.as_str());
// Where we will store our packed data
let packed_path = PathBuf::from(PACKED_PATH.as_str());
// Read the input directory for the benchmark
let root_input_dir = fs::read_dir(root_input_path).unwrap();
// Iterate over our input directories and run the benchmarks
for entry in root_input_dir {
// Paths we will have to mutate
let mut input_path = PathBuf::from(INPUT_PATH.as_str());
let mut unpacked_path = PathBuf::from(UNPACKED_PATH.as_str());
let mut manifest_path = PathBuf::from(MANIFEST_PATH.as_str());
// Get the names of the input entry
let entry_name = entry.unwrap().file_name();
// Mutate the input path so we can use it in the benchmark
// Mutate the unpacked path so we can use it in the benchmark
// Mutate the manifest path so we can use it in the benchmark. Append .json to the end
// Run the pack benchmark
pack_benchmark(c, &input_path, &packed_path, &manifest_path);
// Run the unpack benchmark
unpack_benchmark(c, &packed_path, &unpacked_path, &manifest_path);
// If we have correctness testing enabled, run the correctness tests
"Running correctness tests on {}",
// Make sure they have the same contents
assert_paths!(input_path, unpacked_path);
println!("Finished benchmarking {}", entry_name.to_str().unwrap());
// Cleanup the bench
fn custom_config() -> Criterion {
// Get the size of the input directory
.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(*SAMPLE_TIME as u64))
.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(*WARMUP_TIME as u64))
// Wrap our benchmarks in a criterion group
criterion_group! {
name = benches;
// Run 10 samples per benchmark -- this is the minimum number of samples you can run
config = custom_config();
targets = pipeline_benchmark
We only want to use one iteration
/ # Arguments
/ *
- Criterion object/ *
- Path to the packed directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark/ *
- Path to the unpacked directory to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark/ *
- Path to the manifest file to use for the benchmark. This will probably be the same as every other benchmark, until need is demonstrated to keep these.We only want to use one iteration
/ # Arguments
/ *
- Criterion objecthttps://github.com/banyancomputer/dataprep/blob/cb6dad52d3265a472805d293ec183b6355aa5e5d/dataprep-pipelines/benches/pipeline.rs#L387