banzaicloud / pke

PKE is an extremely simple CNCF certified Kubernetes installer and distribution, designed to work on any cloud, VM or bare metal.
Apache License 2.0
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Keepalived based HA master #128

Open orymate opened 4 years ago

orymate commented 4 years ago

Support automatic keepalived installation/configuration

immanuelfodor commented 3 years ago

Extremely useful feature and great idea to support it out of the box, huge +1 :)

May I ask why did you choose Cisco's VRRP over the open-source CARP protocol? Do you just want keepalived and that's it? Or is there a specific use case why one is better than another in light of PKE?

For example, when I was looking for a solution of API server HA, I've found UCarp much easier to install and configure than keepalived (example repo: Since then we are using it within our in-house clusters without a problem. I'm honestly interested in why keepalived, maybe we need to switch in the future and good to think ahead.

gecube commented 3 years ago

@immanuelfodor Hi! Thanks for your comment! We are in the same issue. I am building the kubernetes-based PaaS platform with my colleagues and we checked a lot of approached for building HA clusters. Unfortunately, ANY of the possible approaches has its own disadvantages and nuances. For example, keepalived or CARP are working only in L2 environments, AFAIK. So it is not the option for cloud providers and deploying the kubernetes on top of VMs. But on the other hand it's well known and working solution for bare metal and vmware environments. The approach used by kubespray - deploying of haproxy with the list of all master nodes on any of worker nodes - has another issues. Etc. etc.

p.s. I'd like to emphasize that I am not connected in anyway with BanzaiCloud and all written above is my personal opinion.