baobabyoo / Ph.D.-thesis-project-comm.---Sihan-Jiao

A repository for communicating with Sihan Jiao on his Ph.D. thesis project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Telecon: Sept. 25-29, 2017 (Sept. 29, 1:15 German time) #1

Open baobabyoo opened 6 years ago

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago
  1. Review a paper Sihan read [Chen+17: The Anatomy of the Column Density Probability Distribution Function (N-PDF)].

  2. Going through working progress (todo list carried from Sept. 21, 2017). Identify the largest recoverable angular scale of SCUBA2 from realistic simulations, using this tool i) Select a relatively nearby molecular cloud, and download Herschel & Planck image. They will serves as model images. Derive Td, N, and Beta based on these images. ii) Scale it to a further distance, to mimic the observations at lower angular resolution iii) Simulate the SCUBA2 observations at 450 and 850 um. Compare the power spectrum of the model and simulated images to identify the largest recoverable angular scales.

  3. Deciding todo list for the following week.

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

Time fixed: Sept. 29 (Fri.), 2017, 11:15 am Germany time.

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

Need to understand turbulence from first principle, before thinking about how we define/probe it from observations.

Should start maintaining progress with github and ipython notebook.