baobabyoo / Ph.D.-thesis-project-comm.---Sihan-Jiao

A repository for communicating with Sihan Jiao on his Ph.D. thesis project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Telecon: Nov. 20-24, 2017 (Nov. 23, 4 pm German time) #5

Open SihanJiao opened 6 years ago

SihanJiao commented 6 years ago
  1. Review a paper Sihan read [Fujimoto+14: Do giant molecular clouds care about the galactic structure?]

  2. Going through working progress SCUBA2 model simulation

  3. Check JCMT M31 data

  4. Todo list for the following week

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

In your M31 850 micron image, is the flux unit mJy/arcsec^2 correct? The faint ones (e.g., total flux ~a few mJy) can be background submillimeter galaxies, but not the bright ones. Later we can try to compare with the statistics from cosmological surveys, e.g.,

SihanJiao commented 6 years ago

I think the flux unit mJy/arcsec^2 in M31 850 micron image is correct. The peak value of this image is about 0.09 mJy/arcsec^2, and considering an angule resolution of 14", the peak value is ~20 mJy/beam or 0.02 Jy/beam. When combining with Planck 353 GHz image, this value is reasonable. And indeed, some faint point sources may have a total flux ~ a few mJy.

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

I can ask Chian-Chou to help you with the estimate of submm galaxy counts, either in the case of there is a background massive cluster like A370, or is normal blank field, .e.g.,

You may also try to estimate yourself, give the statistics provided in those submm galaxy survey papers. Chian-Chou is one year junior to me from the physics department of Taiwan University. He is now ESO fellow too. Maybe you make an estimate first at some point, and later we request a double check from him.

SihanJiao commented 6 years ago

This image shows the point sources found by using Fellwalker. But it seems I miss some medium bright sources...

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

Hmm, clumpfind or gaussian clump can be quite ill sometimes. Dendrogram might be easier to control.

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

May use dendrogram to pick out the localized sources systematically, and then use other programs to fit the properties.

yxlinaqua commented 6 years ago


I've sent Sihan the script, probably still could try to tune the parameters a bit. It doesn't look very ideal now. Let me know if you need a Gaussclumps version still.

baobabyoo commented 6 years ago

This is a very good start. Indeed it still needs quite some fine tuning. Thanks, Yuxin!