baoduy / React-MaterialUI-Starter-Kit

The ReactJs 16 start kit that include Redux, Material UI, Babel 7 and Webpack 4
MIT License
48 stars 16 forks source link

Apply Server Rendering #42

Closed baoduy closed 2 years ago

baoduy commented 6 years ago

Here is reason why should invest to Server Rendering for SPA

cyberhck commented 4 years ago

@baoduy if you don't mind not having material ui and want to try a starter kit which is awesome and has made some decisions already, you should checkout this out:, it has awesome server side rendering, I'm one of the maintainer, and working on material ui for one of my project (unfortunately not opensource [yet]). it's listed on top in it has SSR, redux, reselect, typestyle, and is dockerized, (and good HMR as well)