baoliay2008 / lccn_predictor

LeetCode Contest Rating Prediction
MIT License
570 stars 22 forks source link

Premature Rating Predictions on #12

Closed Shrined closed 11 months ago

Shrined commented 1 year ago

The results of leetcode contests typically require over 15 minutes to account for every participant. However, consistently predicts ratings before all participants' results are collected. For instance, during today's bi-weekly contest (4/29/2023), the prediction occurred at 11:11:43 AM CDT, but the final participant count was only completed around 11:20 AM. Consequently, the last page of displays 12,498 participants, while the actual total was 17,137. This incomplete data leads to inaccurate rating predictions.

baoliay2008 commented 1 year ago

Greetings @Shrined, thank you for sharing your concern with us.

Please be aware that currently, this application does not include participants who have a score of zero. As an illustration, consider biweekly-contest-103, where you can visit page 500 to observe that 12,498 users have a non-zero score. This is because we are unable to distinguish between users who have not participated and those who have a score of zero, so we cannot calculate the penalties. You can find further details on this matter in the post titled New Rating Algorithm Details - Contest Season and Absence in Participation.

Regarding the time-related matter, I am currently testing a new crawling and data-merging method that may be slightly faster than the LeetCode US site. As I am still testing this method, I will update the codebase and documentation accordingly.

Shrined commented 1 year ago

I see. Thanks for the explanation!

baoliay2008 commented 11 months ago

The question was answered.