baoliay2008 / lccn_predictor

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Username history is lost #18

Closed manoharreddyporeddy closed 11 months ago

manoharreddyporeddy commented 1 year ago

When I click the username textbox I used to get a popup of previous searched usernames

Today it didn't come up image

Even after I searched for a username, it does not show up popup of recently searched usernames image

It is good to show last 50 or so searched usernames, in a drop down with a scroll bar ( previously it used to show only 5 or so ) thank you for your efforts & time.

alpha951 commented 1 year ago

The username history is visible for me. It depned on your browser cookies. You might have cleared cache while clearing browser history.

manoharreddyporeddy commented 1 year ago

looks like

the chrome changed the way it works after recent update


i used to be logged in in the toolbar too, now no more ( also no option to login there, just shows Person 1 for now )

this might be the issue, so if you update to latest chrome, you may see issue


for now, i still don't get the history without history, it is very difficult to use ( always need to type )


manoharreddyporeddy commented 11 months ago

Looks like, it is do with my laptop too. All good.