baoliay2008 / lccn_predictor

LeetCode Contest Rating Prediction
MIT License
570 stars 22 forks source link

Navigating to different page numbers is difficult #26

Open sebat2004 opened 8 months ago

sebat2004 commented 8 months ago

On the leetcode contests website, the URL is formatted like weekly-contest-367/ranking/. This allows users to skip to a page number they want. On the prediction page, the URL is formatted like /weekly-contest-367/, which gives no page number skipping capabilities.

The only way to navigate through pages on the current site is with the buttons below the ratings, which only allows you to move two pages back or forward (Shown below). image

This is very inconvenient, as there are hundreds of pages per contest. Could we change the URL routing system or add a button on the page navigator that allows the user to specify which page they would like to navigate to? I would be happy to work on this issue.

baoliay2008 commented 8 months ago

Hi, thanks for your suggestion. I found this inconvenient, too. I will add page number into URL router in the next version.