baoliay2008 / lccn_predictor

LeetCode Contest Rating Prediction
MIT License
570 stars 22 forks source link

Weekly Contest 335 data may have error #6

Closed Owenxh closed 10 months ago

Owenxh commented 1 year ago

Can't find score of China area.

baoliay2008 commented 1 year ago

Hi, same with issue #1 , didn't sync with Maybe it's not a good idea to run at a given time (now is 15 minutes after the contest has finished), I will add more code to address this problem.

baoliay2008 commented 10 months ago

This bug has been fixed a long time ago, and it has been observed for a while. Unless there's a glitch in the official servers, it should be fine. Please see #1