baoliay2008 / lccn_predictor

LeetCode Contest Rating Prediction
MIT License
566 stars 22 forks source link

Searching for a name without exact capitalization doesnt show results #61

Open 21Cash opened 3 months ago

21Cash commented 3 months ago

In the contest page, i tried searching "21cash" (with Capital C) and i got nothing found but after i searched "21Cash" (With capital C) i got my result shown to me.

manoharreddyporeddy commented 3 months ago

if ignore case is allowed, it will be great @baoliay2008 had same issue few months ago

baoliay2008 commented 3 months ago

@21Cash @manoharreddyporeddy Thanks for your advice. I will implement this functionality.

Raj-kansagra commented 3 weeks ago

@ashuthe1, I believe you are mistaken. When a new user signs up:

1)Filling out the form:

The user must provide a unique username, which is then assigned as their LeetCode ID in the backend. The user can later change their name but not their LeetCode ID.

Even with different case sensitivity, I was not able to create an account. This means if a user already exists with a LeetCode ID/username like "rajkan888", no new user can create an account with similar usernames like "Rajkan888", "rajKAN888", "RAJKAN888", etc. Note: Do not confuse the username field during registration with the user's name.

2)Google sign-up:

LeetCode automatically uses the initial letters of your email as your username. For example, if the email is "", the LeetCode ID might be "samsharma768".

@baoliay2008 i will surely create a PR to help you out