baoxingsong / AnchorWave

sensitive alignment of genomes with high sequence diversity, extensive structural polymorphism and whole-genome duplication variation
MIT License
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proali Error “line 22: 54565 Killed "${EXE}_avx512" "$@"” #71

Open mushroomOK opened 3 months ago

mushroomOK commented 3 months ago

Hi, Dr Song, Thanks for your great software, firstly.

Command“anchorwave proali -i xx.gff -as xx.cds.fa -r xx.fa -a xx.cds.sam -ar xx.ref.sam -s yy.fasta -n anchors -R 1 -Q 2 -o alignment-2.maf -f alignment.f-2.maf -t 50”

Error log: “AVX512 is enabled setupAnchorsWithSpliceAlignmentResultQuota begin! using parameters detected from the input SAM file for novel anchors identification totalAnchors:24 anchors generate done! /home/wangxf/miniconda3/envs/anchorwave/bin/anchorwave: line 22: 54565 Killed "${EXE}_avx512" "$@"”

Do you have any idea about this error? Thanks!


baoxingsong commented 3 months ago

please pay attention to the memory cost.