baoyongzhang / android-PullRefreshLayout

This component like SwipeRefreshLayout, it is more beautiful than SwipeRefreshLayout.
MIT License
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Can't dispatch touch event to child When I package this library in ReactNative #35

Open hezheop opened 8 years ago

hezheop commented 8 years ago

I resolve that, just because of that ReactNative set its view's index to 0 and the ImageView is on the front, so I put addView function to onTouchEvent when you setVisibility if (mRefreshView.getParent() == null){ addView(mRefreshView, 0); } Anyhow thank you for that library, it makes my RN app beautiful , because RN just package the SwipeRefreshLayout, and I want its style just like IOS :)

lennyup commented 6 years ago

@hezheop I have the same problem, can you tell me more about it?