baramofme / notion-gcal-sync-appsscript

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Request had insufficient authentication scopes when run locally using clasp with gcp #2

Closed baramofme closed 1 month ago

baramofme commented 1 month ago
Exception: GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to calendar.calendarList.list failed with error: Request had insufficient authentication scopes. [
  { function: 'getAllCalendar', lineNumber: 162 },
  { lineNumber: 15 },
  { lineNumber: 17 }

add below code in appsscript.json

  "oauthScopes": [

push code to gcp and run main code

clasp push && clasp login --creds [your cred file].json

accept authorization request on new popup.

baramofme commented 1 month ago
Exception: Exception: You do not have permission to call UrlFetchApp.fetch. Required permissions: [        
  { function: 'notionFetch', lineNumber: 474 },
  { function: 'getOnlyCancelledTagedPagesNotion', lineNumber: 17 },
  { function: 'processCancelledEvents', lineNumber: 8 },
  { function: 'main', lineNumber: 3 }

do it again!