baramofme / notion-gcal-sync-appsscript

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Sync has Limitation. date change make in notion, will be reversed randomly #21

Open baramofme opened 1 month ago

baramofme commented 1 month ago

Applicaton decide to sync direction by comparing Notion's Last Sync date and Last modified Date.

The problem is, Last sync date is not real sync date. It's populated during sync processing, like below :

When last sync date is "4/1 11:12" and you modified during that time.(especially between 11:12:00 ~11:12:59) , there is no differences between last sync date and last modified date. So your change will be overwited by Gcal to Notion sync process.

It's a huge disadvantage.

I don't have any choice but to take the date rever risk. cause I don't know when the Apps script trigger runs.

haha. maybe I could increase time precision to second level.

notion and google calendar does not provide second level time precision.

so, I could make another database, and then save sync date with second-level procision.

and... That's the pain point. and if that is possible, delay between sync objets alwyas be.

How could it be solve????

baramofme commented 1 month ago

ok, versoin system and give time stamp.,

ok.... both needs space to store extra information.

uhm... notion possible, and.. google calenda???

I found it. extended property

baramofme commented 1 month ago

baramofme commented 1 month ago