baranovskypd / goodpress

WIP!! :warning: R Package to Write Posts from R Markdown to Wordpress :warning:
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WordPress, static site generators & blogging workflows #38

Closed mdingemanse closed 1 year ago

mdingemanse commented 1 year ago

Since you asked for it:

Are you still sure you don’t want to use a static website generator instead? 😉 More seriously, I am interested in blogging workflows so feel free to tell me why and how you use WordPress (in an issue for instance).

I've been blogging with good old WordPress since 2007 so it's probably partly just me being used to my workflow — but for many of my posts I still like the no-fuss approach of hammering out some text, dragging in some images, then publishing, with WordPress taking care of everything from slug to categories. Editing drafts or correcting posts on the fly (even on mobile) is also useful.

However, I have always felt WordPress is suboptimal for code-heavy posts (and I don't like the plugin route for enriching posts with code). I already used rmarkdown in a bunch of publications and collaborations, so an Rmd-based workflow is what I would normally turn to for that kind of content.

So, you can imagine that discovering {goodpress} has made me happy. Great for pushing text + code + images to WordPress, while making the end result at a later stage still also manually editable. This makes it possible to mix normal text-based blog posts with the occasional foray into data science territory. It's the best of both worlds really.