barbaLab / nigeLab

Neurophysiological data analyses by engineers, for physiologists.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Install.m stalls out #83

Closed m053m716 closed 4 years ago

m053m716 commented 4 years ago

Bug Report


Release or Branch


m053m716 commented 4 years ago

Possible causes

1) Bad connection to Mathworks

One thought is that this could simply be due to a bad connection to the Mathworks which is either taking a very long time or has somehow timed out while trying to install the relevant packages.

2) Bad java libraries

Some of the tools (particularly in user interfaces) require the use of specific java libraries that aren't very-well documented by Matlab and I think are more likely to be used for beta testing or development of supported features to be released in future Matlab versions. I had some issues on initial install as well with install.m, but I can't remember why that happened or how it was resolved at the moment.

dguggenmos commented 4 years ago

This is my issue. Killing Matlab and re-opening will allow me to install however, nothing works. The first time I try and run the demo I get a screen full of errors:

Matlab Current Folder is inside +nigeLab. Moving out. Reference to non-existent field 'OnlyBlockFoldersAtAnimalLevel'.

Error in nigeLab.Animal/init (line 78) elseif animalObj.Pars.OnlyBlockFoldersAtAnimalLevel

Error in nigeLab.Animal (line 92) if ~animalObj.init()

Error in nigeLab.nigelObj/addChild (line 2440) childObj = nigeLab.Animal(childData,obj.Output);

Error in nigeLab.Tank/init (line 19) tankObj.addChild(animalPath);

Error in nigeLab.Tank (line 101) if ~tankObj.init

Error in demo_nigeLab (line 43) tankObj = nigeLab.Tank(inputPath,outputPath);

all subsequent times the demo will not execute because of an undefined variable 'demo_nigeLab'. I thought this might be a permissions issue so I ran it as an administrator - same problems persist.

dguggenmos commented 4 years ago

This is what happens when I try and run the Demo:

Matlab Current Folder is inside +nigeLab. Moving out. Error defining property 'TreeNodeContainer' of class 'nigeLab.nigelObj': Class named 'uiw.widget.TreeNode' is undefined or does not support property validation.

Error in demo_nigeLab (line 43) tankObj = nigeLab.Tank(inputPath,outputPath);

Nabarb commented 4 years ago

That looks like it failed to install a graphical package. Let's bypass the installation script and try to install the missing package manually: in +nigeLab/+utils locate the file Widgets Toolbox 1.3.330.mltbx. When you double click it should pop up an installation prompt. After this is complete try running the demo again and let me know.

dguggenmos commented 4 years ago

So I did this. Initially it didn't work, the demo was a non-existent variable - I added to path, still non-existent variable, changed directory - same, and then I tried running it a fourth time and it worked - no idea why.

Nabarb commented 4 years ago

Yeah, matlab glitches sometimes. When you're sure you are in the right path and that matlab should be able to see your script but still isn't, try a clear all (this will also clear all your variables, so be careful) and then try running the script again. This should solve it. I'm gonna close this, thank you for the feedback!