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(PRE) Reviewer 2 comments #11

Open ncclementi opened 5 years ago

ncclementi commented 5 years ago

In manuscript EC12092, Clementi et al. describe a boundary element method at the electrostatic limit to simplify the numerical calculation/analysis for bio-sensing using nanoplasmonics. Due to the conductive electrons of the metallic nano-particles (NP), the electric field/density of states will be significantly magnified at the hot spots, which in turn make the effective mode volume much smaller than the relatively more traditional optical cavities. As a result the light matter interaction is strongly enhanced when the target/matter is put around the NP, and this is the physical basis of most applications of nanoplamonics and the biosensing studied in the current manuscript. As a specific application of nanoplasmonic, the latest development in the field should be well referenced such as single molecule imaging Ref.[Nature 498, 82 (2013)] and the modal theory developed in the past few years Refs.[Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 237401 (2013); New J Phys. 16, 113048 (2014)]. With their own software (PyGBe) they could reduce the computational complexity as O(NlogN). Over all the manuscript is well presented with respect to its technical details.

And the following are a number of issues/comments which need to be addressed:

To summarize, the current manuscript is treating some interesting problem, but there are some questions need to be addressed. So I would not recommend any form of publication until the questions/comments are fully addressed.

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment -1

As a specific application of nanoplasmonic, the latest development in the field should be well referenced such as single molecule imaging Ref.[Nature 498, 82 (2013)] and the modal theory developed in the past few years Refs.[Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 237401 (2013); New J Phys. 16, 113048 (2014)].



The reviewer points out interesting references. The first one is related to our work regarding efforts towards single-molecule detection. We included this reference in the discussion section, where the issue of experimental evidence of low analyte concentration is discussed.

We believe the other two references are out of the scope to our work. These focus on the modal theory of quantum effects in nanoplasmonics, without referencing biosensing applications. In our work, we focus on nanoplasmonics for biosensing, and, moreover, we use a classical approach.


We added reference to Nature 498, 82 (2013) in commit 58228689

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 0

However, the manuscript is made redundant at several places such as Subsection F in Section II and Subsection C in Section III; most of them could be moved the the documented files then make a reference to them at the reference list in order to make the manuscript more compact and readable.



No modifications needed

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 1

  1. At the end of the manuscript, the authors claimed that for a distance (between the NP and the analytes ) of d = 0.5 nm the redshift of the peak 0.75 nm; but it seems at this regime the nonlocal effect could kick in Ref.[Nature Commun. 5, 3809 (2014)].


After reading the paper and its supplementary material

We found in the "Validity domain" section this statement "We point out that our diffusive model is valid for structural dimensions exceeding the mean-free path that in pure single crystals can be of the order of 100 nm for Ag and Au, down to ~3 nm for Na "

which we understand it is saying that their model for Ag and Au is valid if the structural dimensions are bigger than 100 nm. In our case the Ag NP has 8nm of radius. Moreover, in our case we have interaction between protein and a metal in water, and we can say that the protein doesn't generate plasmons.

Try to find a paper where they also use this small distances. The paper we used for comment 4 in reviewer 1 is a coarse-grained MD with NP near a membrane under an electric field and the distances are in the same range.

"The electrostatic interactions were calculated using the particle mesh Ewald (PME) method with a real space cut off length of 1.2 nm and a fast Fourier-transform grid spacing of 0.24 nm" Fig 5 shows distances between nanoparticle and membrane and they have values smaller than 1nm, even close to 0nm.


According to the reference cited, the model presented by the authors has a validity domain. For the case of metallic Ag and Au nanoparticles, the authors say: "We point out that our diffusive model is valid for structural dimensions exceeding the mean-free path that in pure single crystals can be of the order of 100 nm for Ag and Au... " In our case the nanoparticles are of 8nm of radius and the interactions are between a metallic nanoparticle and a protein that doesn't generate plasmons.


cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 2

  1. The superindex in the definition of V and K in Eqs. (8-9) should be corrected.


    • Yes, there is a inconsistency of superindices between Eq 8-9 with respect the rest of the text
    • Replace the superindex by just \Gamma


The inconsistency in the superindices from Eq 8-9 was fixed by replacing \mathbf{r}_\Gamma for \Gamma .


Fixed in commit 70757e3

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 3

  1. The bold fonts for pi between eq.(22) and eq.(24) should be changed into plain.


    • The reviewer is right, but it's Eq 22b, 23 and 24
    • In eq 23 and 24 there is a mixture of index and vector notation, we should choose one.


      The bold fonts for p_i were removed.


      Fixed in commit 9b620d7

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 4

  1. Should the “location” in ”To study the effect of location of the analytes, ... Figure 13” (on page 9) be orientation?



We are referring to the location not the orientation. We refer to the position on the x, y or z axis. The x and y configurations were obtain by performing a solid rotation of the z-configuration of 90 degrees along the x- and y-axis respectively. This statement was added in the text to clarify the point.


Add note on how we obtained these configurations 8180cb0

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 5

  1. Figures (1) and (2) are basically the same which make the manuscript redundant. The same happens to Figs (3) and (7), and Figs (9) and (13)




cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 6

  1. Is it possible to give more physical description of the bovine serum albumin proteins such as the distribution of the charge as implied in Eq.(12)? This I think may be useful to understand the effect of orientation of the molecule.


    • Related to comment 0 and 3 of reviewer 1.
    • We should add an explanation on the pipeline between the PDB and the mesh: explain pqr, SES, etc.


This is related to Comment 0 of the first reviewer. In the original manuscript, it wasn't clear how the biomolecule is modeled with boundary integrals. This has been done previously with our code (citation [24]), however, we've added a section under Methods called 'Protein mesh preparation' explaining how the biomolecule is prepared, starting from its molecular structure in the Protein Data Bank, to the parameterization and physical meaning of the molecular surface definition. We also found a mistake in the charge representation of Equation (12), which may have led to the confusion of the Reviewer, and the charge q_k was not being introduced accordingly.


cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 7

  1. On page 11 the authors wrote ”Figure 10 shows a red shift of the plasmon resonance frequency peak in presence of the BSA proteins. This result agrees with experimental observations [42,43] ...”. In fact the red shift is easy to understand from a two-mode model and assume the mode provided by the BSA proteins is a lower energy mode with respect to the pamonic mode. So it is hard to say the experiment support the numerical calculation here. Maybe it is better to add in new calculation with well established software/technique to support the numerics here; this is just a very personal suggestion, and I would leave it to the author to decide.


See if we can argument something more using these reference.

