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(PRE) Reviewer 1, second report #12

Open labarba opened 5 years ago

labarba commented 5 years ago

Previous comments and responses:

The authors have provided thorough responses to all comments raised in review and in the majority of cases have provided satisfactory explanations or modifications to the text to improve the quality of the manuscript.

I am pleased to recommend the manuscript for publication in Physical Review E subject to minor changes to address a few remaining points identified below. I have also included notes below on a few items that do not require changes but where comments seemed appropriate (within an itemized list of the comments and responses).

labarba commented 5 years ago

Reviewer 1 comments on our response to Reviewer 2:

Comment 0: I agree thoroughly with the authors reply here.

Comment 1: While there are differences between the systems and models discussed in the present manuscript and in much of the literature on non-locality and quantum mechanical effects in coupled metal nanoparticles or structures I do think it would be advisable for the authors to note that there may be limitations on what the classical and quasi-static treatment offers. The authors are very clear in that these choices have been made (and there are many good reasons for to use classical and quasi-static models), but these may not describe all parameters with the same degree of physical accuracy.

Comment 7: I suspect that rather than suggesting Reviewer 2's “two-mode model” might be a quantum mechanical one, it may be useful to consider classical coupled oscillator or interacting dipole models. The broad-strokes comparison with experiment would seem to be similar if not the same – that the resonance peak would red-shift. Such a classical two-mode model would, of course, be a further simplification or abstraction of the detail sought in the presented code and models. The forward-looking question will be whether there are unique features to be observed using a full molecular surface treatment in a classical quasi-static formalism relative to even simpler and more approximate treatments. The authors suggest that conformational change sensitivity is one area to explore further. Such work is well beyond the scope of this manuscript focused on presenting the new code, and examination of these kinds of questions is exactly what this code will enable in future.

ncclementi commented 5 years ago

Comment 2 :

There are two possible ways to come at consistency between parameters used in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. I appreciate that the parameters used for Fig. 5 would be prohibitively expensive. Instead, could the grid convergence be run with the ‘relaxed’ parameters? This is a minor point and could add unnecessarily complexity to figures and verification tests.

Reply idea: [Naty]

The process is as follow:


The goal of the grid-convergence analysis in Fig. 5 is to find a mesh density that correctly resolves all the features of the problem. All the other parameters need to be set as fine as possible such that the errors associated with them do not contaminate the error from the mesh, and we can see the expected 1/N convergence. Using 'relaxed' parameters for this purpose would contaminate the error and prevent us to see the 1/N convergence.

ncclementi commented 5 years ago

Comment 4:

I am not yet convinced by the reply here. The authors refer to a molecular dynamics simulation (classic limit) paper with an electrostatic field. The question in Comment 4 was centered on whether there are quantum mechanical or relativistic/retardation effects which might need to be accounted for given the size regimes discussed. The MD paper would not appear to account for either of these factors. Dispersion effects may become more prominent in gold and require an electrodynamic treatment. Additionally, quantum tunneling effects might occur even in systems that are not two metal nanoparticles interacting (although the quantum regime may be for gaps closer to 0.5 nm and for very small particles the quasi-static approximations may certainly still be valid). It may be worth noting in the manuscript that there may be limitations due to the choice of classical treatment for very small distances and systems which are not well-described in quasi-static terms.

Reply This was also noted by reviewer 2. We are aware of the possibilities of quantum effects, although according to the literature it is not fully clear is they are present in our case. In response to the reviewers, we decided to mention this in the manuscript, both in the caption of Fig 11 as well as in the Discussion section, with references.

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 5

I am not entirely satisfied by the reply here as the authors have not made any comment on the particular configuration of two particles opposite each other raised in the question. This appears to be a high symmetry arrangement and therefore may represent a ‘special’ geometry with either enhanced or damped effects relative to a more randomly distributed arrangement of particles of BSA dimer around the surface of the sphere. Would the authors be able to clarify this point in the text? I would also suggest that the authors clearly identify the BSA particles as dimers in the relevant figure captions (e.g. Fig. 8).


Modifications [Naty]

cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 6:

I would suggest that the changes made in response to this comment be qualified and presented with a bit more care. The Teichroeb reference uses gold particles of 15 nm diameter. This raises questions about the utility of the comparison given that gold and silver particles of comparable size will have very different wavelength dependent responses arising from the differences in the metal dielectric functions. The comparison of concentrations also deserves some attention due to seeming differences between monomer concentrations and dimer concentrations (number of particles per unit volume). The authors suggest that the Teichroeb paper would be equivalent to modeling 4 to 6 BSA-monomers around the nanoparticle. Why have the authors opted to model the BSA as dimers? The concentration of “\Omega_3” particles (to abuse the notation in Fig. 3 somewhat, to capture the number of particles/closed surfaces of BSA per unit volume) would also seem to be different by a factor of 2-3 if the concentration in Teichroeb is strictly 4 to 6 separate monomers (integer counting of separate particles/molecules) suggesting 4 to 6 “\Omega_3” particles arranged, possibly asymmetrically, around the gold particle. Here, there are 2 “\Omega_3” particles arranged symmetrically around a silver particle. Broadly, the Teichroeb values may serve as a suitable motivation, but I would hesitate to say that these parameters are directly comparable values – perhaps in the same ballpark. The authors’ work would potentially appear to be at lower concentrations which is a positive in one regard – that the shift in the peak of the extinction is detectable at lower numbers of particles around the metal nanoparticle. But this comparison can also be viewed more pessimistically – that the modeling of 4 to 6 molecular surfaces might become prohibitively costly in terms of computations. I think some further comment on all of this may be warranted with a more judicious treatment in the final text.

Ideas [Naty] I think the reviewer's problem is with the word concentration, as in number of particles.

Reply The reviewer made a good point that our reference to the experimental work of Teichroeb et al. was a little sloppy, mixing concentration with comparison of particle size. Also, the characterization as "similar" sounded stranger than we intended. In fact, we simply want to say (like the reviewer suggests) that our choices are in the ballpark with published experimental work. We revised the passage carefully, and more precisely refer to comparable volume fractions (rather than concentration). Regarding the capacity of the code to compute problems with more proteins around the nanoparticle, we report on the paper that it can handle half a million boundary elements. The cases with two dimers have around 120k, so there is ample room for bigger problems.


cdcooper84 commented 5 years ago

Comment 7:

I would suggest the authors note the limitations discussed in their reply in the main text. That is, explicit discussion of the fact that changes would be required to calculate the fields or other elements of the scattering matrix should be added (and could be done very briefly). Given the manuscript's focus on presenting the new code, identifying where further modifications to the code could be made would not go amiss.

Ideas The reviewer suggests we should add things we said in the reply to the text. In comment 7, our reply was:

[Naty's attempt to reply]

We added in the text (methods section) that we not only compute the potential on the surfaces but we also compute the normal derivative of the potential. The normal derivative of the potential allows the direct calculation of the electric field on the surface if desired. This was included in commit number 272285e Regarding the other elements of the scattering matrix, we disagree with the reviewer on including on the text what modifications of the code we would need to do to include this, since it doesn't not add value to our main result.

[Chris] The reviewer makes a fair point that we are not being explicit about everything that is an output of our code. The solution of the linear system we are solving is the potential and its normal derivative (electric field in the normal direction) evaluated at the surface of the molecules and nanoparticle, which may be important information to, for example, detect potential hot spots on the scatterer. We added this information in the methods section. Commit 272285e.

Even though it may be desirable to output other terms of the scattering matrix, the code in its current state cannot calculate them. However, considering they are not required to compute the parameters we are presenting, we feel that including such discussion on the main text does not add more information to the paper.

labarba commented 5 years ago

We clarified that the code does output both the potential and its derivative (electric field in the normal direction) on the surfaces. The other quantities mentioned by the reviewer are not output by the code, but are also extraneous to our method of analysis. For this reason, we do not consider this a limitation: they are not required to compute the results we are presenting. We respectfully disagree here with the reviewer that it would add anything to mention quantities not computed, but also not used in our method.