barbatus / stars-rating

Stars rating control for Meteor
MIT License
21 stars 11 forks source link

Some records does not show stars #13

Closed hosais closed 8 years ago

hosais commented 8 years ago


I tried the package and it is cool. However, in my tests, the stars are not showed for some records. In my tests, 1) if the _id field in Mongodb is ObjectID(".... ") then it will not show 2) if the _id field in Mongodb is starts with number (for example "23abdc...")

May I know what is the issue? I think the expected behavior of stars should not related to _id field. Thank you for the wonderful package. It is very useful.

hosais commented 8 years ago

Sorry, my bad. The id should not start with number in spec of html. I traced the html and the starsRating part is the same as the showed one.