barbie / Acme-CPANAuthors-InMemoriam

In honour of our deceased CPAN Authors.
1 stars 3 forks source link

Add a section about each author #3

Open book opened 10 years ago

book commented 10 years ago

Because this module is about remembering our deceased authors, maybe a paragraph about their contributions to Perl and CPAN and a link to the announcement would be appropriate.

I have collected a few links already:

barbie commented 10 years ago

I'd be okay with adding links to something like brian d foy's obituary for Tad McClellan, but others are really just announcement links, and not the sort of thing I'd want to include.

For those that I don't know too well, or can't find suitable obituaries for, I wouldn't want anyone to think they were any less liked, admired and missed. I want the module to be a respectfully remembrance, sort of like a virtual wall of names.