barcradio / ultra-tracker

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Import/Export CSV file #12

Open rleikis opened 2 months ago

rleikis commented 2 months ago


Bear100.exe KE7IK Edition .csv file format the filename is the station ID router/designator in the existing system

We established the file naming convention to help the datateam sort and keep track of what files they had. Traditionally we were continually adding onto the data file with each save/send, so redundant data was being transmitted, this helped sometimes if something was corrected, but also spread the data out through several files.

AIDxx_yy.csv - where xx is the aid station number and yy was the particular file/upload being sent out. Initially we should autosave the files when ready to send with the right name, and place in the transmit folder. Ideally we could save it in the winlink outbox, so winlink when set to auto send files in outbox, would just do it. May need to check for open channel, but supposed to handle multiple connections also in theory.

Probably best to just have a files ready to send folder where they go and then can use either file transfer tool or winlink to perform the operation. Setting to select desired filesave interval in time or # of runners?

AID01_1.csv Sequence,X,Runner#,In Time, Out Time, Notes 1,,10,10:39:18 29 Sep,10:39:18 29 Sep, 2,,9,10:39:33 29 Sep,10:39:51 29 Sep, 3,,23,10:44:07 29 Sep,10:47:30 29 Sep,

New Potential format - configured during pre-event setup, Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5... up to 67 characters max/msg Field names have to come from a location, perhaps .csv config file

If APRS message format is used(move into separate item) the Station ID would be the tactical right that associates all of those originating messages to that station. I think this makes another pro to using the APRS system.

Also assuming BAKER is used, I think a part of that server would be where the .csv log files are constructed and sent to the adilas server directly. In chunks of data 5-10 minutes? Or selectable interval perhaps.