barcradio / ultra-tracker

An Electron athlete time logging app
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Event View #33

Open rleikis opened 2 months ago

rleikis commented 2 months ago

A whole event view that displays a full table of all stations and all possible runners. Any imported data from other stations also populates this table. Indicates DNS/DNF blocks

@Tibbs327 This sounds nice, but i'm trying to envision how it would look. In adilas system it is a giant table that requires a large display to see. Perhaps could make a mosaic image type table that didn't focus on showing the actual runner data, but just a green shaded box or multicolored box to indicate no data, partial, or green as full data? Runner Numbers down the list, and aid stations across the top. Would probably want the sort filter in this view to be able to see who is at the top. Or perhaps that is the only way we'd want to view it. DNS could be a gray box across the screen, DNF could be Brown or Black.

No data = White Partial Data = yellow Complete = Green DNF = Red, Black, or Brown DNS = Grayed out across

I think the runner query would be more feasible for a support person's request to know the exact particulars. This view would probably help data team/net control to see how things are progressing?