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Update docker-compose.yml files and documentation to recent Postgres Version #134

Closed PaulLebmann closed 2 years ago

PaulLebmann commented 2 years ago

Hi Barcus!

Since the version of postgres is fixed to 9.3 in the docker-compose.yml I wondered if there is a newer version.

According to this version is EOL. I dont't know if there are any security issues with it and since the database is only available in the docker-compose network I guess that most issues would be mitigated, but nonetheless I tried an update to the recent version.

Of course I used the most recent version of Postgres and it took me a few days to realise, that a backup or the database is no longer possible, because the version in the bareos-fd container of pg_dump is lower that my new Postgres. Nevermind, this is my bad, I set up a separate backup job to create dumps until bareos-fd uses the next Ubuntu LTS as base.

Nonetheless I suggest upgrading the PostgreSQL version used in the docker-compose files in the repo to the latest supported by the Ubuntu base image to get the most out of the PostgreSQL lifetime.

I also think a section in the documentation on updating the PostgreSQL container would be useful. I did my upgrade according to and

I had some problems with PostgreSQL intitializing so that an import via putting the .sql file in a mountpoint in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d (like documented in did not work. PostgreSQL startet initializing on the first startup but not with the .sql file and restarted so that on the second start there is already a database and the .sql file is not imported. So I manually applied the .sql file.

A slightly adjusted upgrade path would be:

  1. Check the latest PostgreSQL Version your bareos-fd supports: docker exec bareos_bareos-fd_1 pg_dump --version
  2. Add a mountpoint to your bareos-db containter to save the database dump. I use ./pgsql-backup:/pgsql-backup. Otherwise you could save it to /var/lib/postgresql/data since you already created that mountpoint.
  3. Make sure no backups are running. You could stop all other bareos containers. Stopping bareos-dir should be sufficient.
  4. Create a database dump via docker exec bareos_bareos-db_1 pg_dumpall -U postgres -f /pgsql-backup/db-migration.sql
  5. Stop the database container
  6. move the old database data out of the way and into safety mv pgsql/data pgsql/data-old
  7. Set new PostgreSQL Version in docker-compose.yml. It should match the version you got from step 1.
  8. run docker-compose up -d and ingore the errors bareos-dir is throwing.
  9. Import your data to the new database: docker exec -it bareos_bareos-db_1 psql -U postgres < /pgsql-backup/db-migration.sql
  10. Restart your bareos stack and check for errors because in the meantime bareos-dir should have given up trying to get a connection to the database. docker-compose restart && docker-compose logs -f
  11. Test your director with bconsole or the webui.

I had errors on step 10 because of different password encryption in PostgreSQL 9.3 and 14 (see so I had to reissue the password for the PostgreSQL users. After that everything ran fine.

A rollback would be just stopping all containers, copying the old database data directory back into place, changing the PostgreSQL version to the old one in docker-compose.yml and restarting everything.

So probably you could think about upgrading the PostgreSQL version or extending the documentation. I hope this little writeup is useful for someone out there.

Thanks for all your great work!

best regards,


barcus commented 2 years ago

Hi Paul, thank you for all those information ! Really interesting topic but to be honnest I've never been working on :) I'm kind of PostgreSQL rookie using pg9.3 for a long time without any customization... i'm gonna change that soon

PaulLebmann commented 2 years ago

Hi Barcus,

this has been my first PostgreSQL major version upgrade as well. :) What I described above was my second attempt at it. But thanks to docker and to mounting the PostgreSQL data directory from a directory and not from a volume (what I took from your template) a rollback is really simple.

I couldn't find an automatic way to do the upgrade, and since the linked issue on PostgreSQL upgrades is still rather recent I guess the best, or maybe at the time the only, way is to do it in documentation. One could write a bash script to run outside of the containers, but since some additional troubleshooting may be needed I am not sure if this would send the right message. Maybe it would make it seem to be too easy and your issue queue would be flooded with PostgreSQL questions.

barcus commented 2 years ago

Finally, i'm gonna create a new project to ease PostgreSQL upgrade using a dedicated docker image. I started something like that using pg_upgrade, it works ! Using it i'm able to migrate in one shot from 9.3 to 11/12/13/14 but Bareos fd required v12 max to be compliant.

barcus commented 2 years ago

will try to do it there work in progress :)