I tested the code in my computer with the example files and there is a typo that gives back an error. The separation between the replicates in each condition should be without spaces after the comma.
Rscript MethyLasso.R --n1 normal --c1 WGBS_normal_1_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_normal_2_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_normal_3_chr1_meth.bed.gz --n2 cancer --c2 WGBS_cancer_1_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_cancer_2_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_cancer_3_chr1_meth.bed.gz --cov 4 --meth 5 -q 0.05
I tested the code in my computer with the example files and there is a typo that gives back an error. The separation between the replicates in each condition should be without spaces after the comma.
Rscript MethyLasso.R --n1 normal --c1 WGBS_normal_1_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_normal_2_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_normal_3_chr1_meth.bed.gz --n2 cancer --c2 WGBS_cancer_1_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_cancer_2_chr1_meth.bed.gz,WGBS_cancer_3_chr1_meth.bed.gz --cov 4 --meth 5 -q 0.05