barentsen / dave

Discovery And Vetting of K2 Exoplanets
MIT License
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not able to run the pipeline #18

Open rishikeshprl opened 7 years ago

rishikeshprl commented 7 years ago

Dear sir, I have cloned the Dave repository to my home directory(on OS X El Capitan) and ran the it gave me results as

"All requirements met!" So then I ran the example as follows:-

from dave.pipeline import pipeline cfg = pipeline.loadDefaultConfig() pipeline.runOne(206103150, cfg)

But it gave me error as:-

WARN: This function is deprecated. See instead. Cannot Find Modshift Write Dir, /Users/paras/daveOutput Cannot Write to modshift directory /Users/paras/daveOutput Cannot Find Plotting Write Dir, /Users/paras/daveOutput Cannot Write to plotting directory /Users/paras/daveOutput Can not write to clip directory /Users/paras/daveOutput/

/Users/paras/dave/pipeline/ -> raise IOError(msg) (Pdb)

After that i realized that ihe code is not able to find the daveOutput/Modshift directory. So I manually made '/Users/paras/daveOutput/Modshift' directory,then again i ran the code

pipeline.runOne(206103150, cfg)

And got error as:-

'Required key centroid_col not found while looking up extract.centroid_col'

/Users/paras/dave/pipeline/ -> raise KeyError("Required key %s not found while looking up %s" %(k, keyString)) (Pdb)

I am not able to resolve both of the problems. Please help me !!!!!!!! Thanks in advance! Rishi

fergalm commented 7 years ago

Hi Rishi,

So, despite our best efforts, DAVE is still very much under development, and we haven't put the effort into making it usable by the general public. You may find this a frustrating exercise, but we'll do our best to help.

Your first problem is fixed, it was just a case of creating those directories.

Your second problem looks like a missing parameter in your configuration dictionary (cfg). Could you run the code, and when you get to the error, type bt to get a backtrace. Post the backtrace and that will help me figure out what's going wrong.



rishikeshprl commented 7 years ago

Hi, So i resolved last issues and got into newer ones,Actually for last one i changed the tasklist as 'extract.centroid_col'' is defined in the 'extractLightcurveFromTpfTask' so i added that one into tasklist and resolved the issue.

tasks = """checkDirExistTask serveTask extractLightcurveTask extractLightcurveFromTpfTask computeCentroidsTask rollPhaseTask cotrendSffDataTask detrendDataTask fblsTask trapezoidFitTask vetTask plotTask saveClip """.split()

Now i am getting the errors in vetTask,which is as follows:- dy =

Columns 1 through 6:

0.0011595 0.0012338 0.0013013 0.0013669 0.0013745 0.0013885

Columns 7 through 12:

0.0013989 0.0014048 0.0014122 0.0014186 0.0014432 0.0014460

Columns 13 through 15:

0.0014468 0.0014597 0.0014639

'float' object is not iterable

/Users/paras/dave/lpp/ -> time,flux,period,duration,phase,mapFile) (Pdb) bt /Users/paras/dave/pipeline/ -> clip = func(*args, **kwargs) /Users/paras/dave/pipeline/ -> period_days, duration_hrs, phase_bkjd) /Users/paras/dave/lpp/ -> time,flux,period,duration,phase,mapFile) (Pdb) n Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "dave/pipeline/", line 51, in runOne clip = f(clip) File "dave/pipeline/", line 114, in wrapperForTask raise e TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable.

I am not able to resolve this.

thanks, Rishi