baresip / baresip-ios

Baresip for iOS
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Error Code:43 Protocol not supported #3

Closed AdilSoomro closed 9 years ago

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

I've been trying to solve this out. I've been following this open source project which is written c/c++, I was trying to replicate the login/registration on sip server part, but always getting

SIP register failed: Protocol not supported

This is the code which I've tried so far.

Any insight to this issue?

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

Okay, this issue got resolved, I was preferring ipv6, when doing ua_init so I put NO in the last argument, then it seemed to be working.

Now I'm stuck to another problem. which is that it is not calling any of the response handlers. It just keep displaying Registering...

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

I got it working, Receiving response. able to receive a call. but not receiving audio on both ends. this is probably due to the codecs, so far I guess, because when the app is loaded, it tries to load modules

/* Load modules */
err = conf_modules();

from libbaresip.a and cannot find those modules, it shows such debug info in logs:

dl: mod: /lib/baresip/modules/ (dlopen(/lib/baresip/modules/, 6): image not found)
module: module No such file or directory
dl: mod: /lib/baresip/modules/ (dlopen(/lib/baresip/modules/, 6): image not found)
module: module No such file or directory
dl: mod: /lib/baresip/modules/ (dlopen(/lib/baresip/modules/, 6): image not found)
module: module No such file or directory
dl: mod: /lib/baresip/modules/ (dlopen(/lib/baresip/modules/, 6): image not found)
module: module No such file or directory
dl: mod: /lib/baresip/modules/ (dlopen(/lib/baresip/modules/, 6): image not found)
module: module No such file or directory

What I think is .so are Shared Object, fall under the dynamic libraries. which is not allowed in iOS development.

Any insights to this problem?

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

I was looking into make files of above .sos and found make file for like this:

MOD     := qtcapture
$(MOD)_SRCS += qtcapture.m
$(MOD)_LFLAGS   += -framework Cocoa -framework QTKit -framework CoreVideo
include mk/

CoreVideo is avaiable for ios but QTKit and Cocoa are not available for iOS.

and same for's make file

$(MOD)_LFLAGS   += -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa -lobjc

OpenGL is not available and so is Cocoa

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

Okay, I had to load iOS specific modules, for that is need to slightly modify the make file from here

EXTRA_MODULES='g711 audiounit avformat coreaudio avcapture opengles avcodec'

For compilation of avcodec I need to configure and install FFMpeg in my mac. and set the environmental variable in avcodec's make file.

and later I changed the config file and # (hashed/commented) the unwanted modules and loaded only iOS relevant modules.

Now audio and video both are working.

alfredh commented 11 years ago

Great News!

I just pushed some changes to EXTRA_MODULES.

tar500 commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro Do you have any video codecs returned by vidsrc_list() ? Could you please point me out how did you get a video working in your app? I am currently on the state when audio is working perfect but there is no luck for any video related features :( Any help would be greatly appreciated.

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

@tar500 which video codecs are you loading. You need to mention that in your as I've pointed above, I had to tell the which particular module I wanted to load. like avcodec. plus you need to modify the your config file which is written when app is first loaded (open the config.c, look for the conf_write_config_template() method which is writing the template config file). you need to un-hash the avcodec under the , so it'll load the avcodec module upon start of the app.

tar500 commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro Thanks for your answer! I am loading avcodec and I have already modified and installed ffmpeg in order to compile it. But I missed the un-hash step. Just un-hashed this module in config file ant got this error after app launch: mod: /lib/baresip/modules/ (dlopen(/lib/baresip/modules/, 6): image not found) mconf: module No such file or directory It seems that you was observing similar error a few posts above, but I can't figure out how did you solve that. Have you made any modifications to the makefile for avcodec or I need to include some framework into the project in order to make it work?

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

when you compile your library, does it compile avcodec too? I mean can you see the entry of avcodec in compilation log. because the error you are getting in iOS logs says that it couldn't find the avcoded in baresip.a. plus you need to add compiled static libavcodec.a to your project with headers.

I had added libavdevice libavformat libavcodec libavutil libswscale from ffmepg in order to get avcodec and avformat working.

tar500 commented 11 years ago

Yes, I it does compile avcodec and I can see it's entry in the compilation log: CC [m] /path/to/baresip/build/armv7/baresip/modules/avcodec/avcodec.o I have also added all of the listed static libraries into the project. I am understand that it couldn't find the avcodec in the baresip library but I still can't figure out how to solve this issue because it seems that you have the same compilation steps as I have. Do you have any other thoughts? Thanks in advance.

tar500 commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro, thanks for your help! Finally, I found a critical error from the my side. I forgot to remove old libraries path in the Library Search Paths project's property and it was always linking with old versions of libraries. Now everything is OK.

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

@tar500 Glad to hear that.. Happy coding :+1:

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro Hi. I am also using this to build an iOS VoIP app. You posts help a lot. Thanks! However I have no idea how to display the video in the app. Could you give me some advices on this ? Thanks in advance.

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

@chenlucu Have you added the required libraries? are you sure you are placing a video call instead of audio one. once you have compiled the source with audio and video compatibility and added the required libraries to the project. It'll show video automatically (already configured in module using Open GL) when presenting a video call.

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro Thanks for your reply. Right now I am trying to make calls between a desktop VoIP app and the iTouch app. From the desktop app, I can see video that is taken from the iTouch camera. And I can also see video traffic from my desktop streaming to my iTouch, but I can not see any video in iTouch screen. I can also see lines of like this showing in my iOS log output: audio=54613/19626 video=123765/169920 (bit/s) efps=7/0 So I think I have compiled the source correctly. It is just the problem of displaying the video. (I am using opengles as video display module. Maybe I am missing some libraries that will display the video ?) Also I want to display the video in a customized UIView in my app, is that possible ?

AdilSoomro commented 11 years ago

@chenlucu Well if you want to display the video in your own customized UIView, you need to edit the -render_sel: method from the context.m file. In this method you'll see that the GlView is being added to the UIApplication's keyWindow. You can modify your code/library to add that GlView into your provided UIView. You can find context.m file in /baresip/modules/opengles/. Hope it helps.

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro Thanks for the suggestion. It helps. Right now I just want to have video display. So I did not use any customized UIView yet. I tried two kinds of calls:

  1. Set the iOS ua in auto-answer mode and call ua from a desktop VoIP app;
  2. Use ua_connect(uag_cur(), uri, NULL, NULL, VIDMODE_ON); function in iOS to call the desktop app; But none of them got video display. I found that my -render_sel: function never got called during video calls. Not sure why this happens. Any suggestions are appreciated!
alfredh commented 11 years ago

to get video going, make sure that at least one video-display module (opengles) and one video codec module ( is loaded. Can you post your config file here?

also, are you guys willing to share some of your code for inclusion in this project?


chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@alfredh @AdilSoomro This is my config file and this is my code that runs baresip functions. I think I have opengles and avcodec modules loaded correctly. Not sure how does the display function get called...

Update: The problem seems due to a bug related to Asterisk, which is a SIP server in my case. Asterisk changed the media format type in SDP, which cause sdp_media_lformat failed and baresip stopped calling my -render_sel function.

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@AdilSoomro @alfredh Finally make it working. I have to add another line of code (self.frame=frame) in - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame vidisp:(struct vidisp_st *)vst function in the context.m file. It seems the code self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; is not working in my case and does not set the frame of GlView to the parameter frame. So I have to manually set it. Thank you all for your help~~

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

Find the reason why it did not work at first. It should use [GlView alloc] instead of [GlView new] when creating GlView for video view in context_init function. See here for reason.

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

I am in the process of writing a detailed compilation and audio/video call guide/example for this project. I have complied baresip library for device and simulator all modules are loading properly on both. The guide will include ffmpeg(LGPL, this will be optional) , libvpx(BSD) and opus(BSD) modules, The libsrtp module is not yet done.

Now I am looking for audio/video call to work.

It would be great, If someone share their example or sample code for audio/video code along with libsrtp compilation guide.

alfredh commented 11 years ago

did you update the Makefile to cross-compile ffmpeg/vpx etc? Feel free to share your work with us, or post a patch, so we can include it in the main GIT repo.

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

@alfredh I am trying to build libsrtp now and I am getting srtp_init() failed with module Function not implemented message at the xcode output console

ffmpeg , libvpx and opus are all compiled as separate builds/libs and updated the baresip mk files to include these for libs/modules.

I have searched a lot for libsrtp compile guide on iOS and finally I used ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin7 to configure srtp and manually created xcode project to build the libsrtp library. The library was build but I am getting these errors when I am using it with baresip.

I am getting this srtp_init() failed error. Once this is done then I will look into how to make voice/video calls.

Then It would be easy for any new developer to use the baresip library.

Once I completed the build I will share it here...some of the post here does help to build the library. Just not this libsrtp..If i won't get this to work today I will skip this and start working on making calls.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

It seems looking at liblinphone iOS SDK will certainly help building the external modules, atleast for the libsrtp in my case..

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

I am able to initiate inbound/outbound calls but I am getting sdp_decode issues:

During outbound Call: SDP answer received unable to decode SDP answer: Invalid argument session closed: Invalid argument


In this case "answer_handler" is invoked with msg->mb = NULL.

During inbound call Crashing inside sdp_decode.... not even getting into "offer_handler" method..

can anyone have any ideas...

I am using the example code of sip_ua. my config.h is #

baresip configuration




poll_method select # poll, select, epoll ..


input_device /dev/event0 input_port 5555


sip_trans_bsize 128


sip_certificate cert.pem


audio_player alsa,default

audio_source alsa,default

audio_alert alsa,default

audio_srate 8000-48000 audio_channels 1-2

ausrc_srate 0

auplay_srate 0


video_source v4l2,/dev/video0

video_size 352x288 video_bitrate 384000 video_fps 25 video_selfview window # {window,pip}

AVT - Audio/Video Transport

rtp_tos 184

rtp_ports 10000-20000

rtp_bandwidth 512-1024 # [kbit/s]

rtcp_enable yes rtcp_mux no jitter_buffer_delay 5-10 # frames



net_interface eth0



module_path /lib/baresip/modules

UI Modules




Audio codec Modules (in order)











Audio filter Modules (in encoding order)

NOTE: AEC should be before Preproc






Audio driver Modules




Video codec Modules (in order)



Video filter Modules (in order)


Video source modules




Video display modules




Media NAT modules

module module module

Media encoding modules



Temporary Modules (loaded then unloaded)



Application Modules

module_app module_app module_app module_app module_app




Module parameters

Speex codec parameters

speex_quality 7 # 0-10 speex_complexity 7 # 0-10 speex_enhancement 0 # 0-1 speex_vbr 0 # Variable Bit Rate 0-1 speex_vad 0 # Voice Activity Detection 0-1 speex_agc_level 8000

NAT Behavior Discovery

natbd_server natbd_interval 600 # in seconds

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@ramki1979 Have you tried my config file and code a few replies above ?

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

I have created xcode project with all baresip required source's and able to compile the project fine. I am able to see session established and other info but not able to hear any audio. I have just completed the xcode build.

Now it easy for debugging basesip without much difficulty but updating the project with new library updates would require some work.

@chenlucu I am using similar config, please have a look at please have a look at the sample code and response( in comments) please look into this method initSIP(1, ""); of initSIP.c file I also tried your sample code which you have posted, and I am not able to register ( unknown error ) please have a look at for the code and response..
chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@ramki1979 I think there is something wrong with this log "SDP media format: /0/0 (payload type: 0) ". You can use wireshark to check the SIP/SDP packets. I guess the problem is in the SDP code. Here is my log for calling a SIP server, which is an asterisk server I set up in my local network. Using wireshark, I can also see all the RTP packets.

I saw you used NAT and STUN server, which I did not use. So I do not know how that may affect the SIP calling.

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

@chenlucu now I am able to see proper SDP media format and (payload type: 125)

I am using X-lite on desktop PC and baresip xcode debugging session on 3GS phone

on voice call testing... I observed the following in wireshark log. When I make a call from baresip --> X-lite both accounts are on same domain , Both clients are not able to agree on audio codec and I am getting BYE message from X-lite and followed by 481 Call doesn't exist message sent by baresip.

Then I set both clients to operate on opus and an RTP session established, X-lite was able to send few thousand packets and closing the connection saying RTP inactivity. At baresip I was not able to hear the audio [ Able to hear Ringback tone ] and it was not sending any audio data over the RTP [at the xcode console I am able to see the audio stream of X-lite]

For video call, the wireshark log shows UDP packets from both clients I am able to see few frames of baresip client on X-lite and no video of X-lite on my 3GS phone. No audio is heard from both clients , the connection is closed by X-lite saying RTP inactivity and immediately X-lite crashed on my Windows 7 PC

Baresip was able to call X-lite client but reverse is not working my Mac, PC, and 3GS phone all are connected to same wifi router.

Can anyone share xcode test project that works for both audio & video using baresip library.

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

@chenlucu I am Testing using Freeswitch, and This is the output

I am seeing some plugins missing error messages, can you have any idea what are those... Set audio decoder: PCMA 8000Hz 1ch audio filters: (dsp)<--->[vumeter]<--->(codec) 2013-08-01 17:25:49.692 baresipt1[2190:4103] Error loading /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn: dlopen(/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn, 262): Symbol not found: CFObjCIsCollectable Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security Expected in: /Applications/ in /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security 2013-08-01 17:25:49.706 baresipt1[2190:4103] Error loading /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn: dlopen(/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn, 262): Symbol not found: CFObjCIsCollectable Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security Expected in: /Applications/ in /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security 2013-08-01 17:25:49.765 baresipt1[2190:4103] Error loading /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn: dlopen(/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn, 262): Symbol not found: CFObjCIsCollectable Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security Expected in: /Applications/ in /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security 2013-08-01 17:25:49.779 baresipt1[2190:4103] Error loading /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn: dlopen(/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn, 262): Symbol not found: CFObjCIsCollectable Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security Expected in: /Applications/ in /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security Set audio encoder: PCMA 8000Hz 1ch video stream is disabled.. video stream is disabled.. 1001@ Call established: sip:5000@;transport=udp main: long async blocking: 7026>100 ms (h=0x603a0 arg=0x9620300)  [ ] [ ] NAT Hairpinning TCP changed from (Unknown) to (Not Supported)

[0:00:00] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:00] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:00] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:00] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ] NAT Hairpinning UDP changed from (Unknown) to (Not Supported)

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:01] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:02] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=0/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:03] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0  [ ] [ ]

[0:00:04] audio=58433/0 video=0/0 (bit/s) efps=0/0

ramki1979 commented 11 years ago

Update : using Freeswitch as proxy on my Mac mini,

I was able to connect baresip client on iPhone 3GS with X-lite running on my Windows 7 PC. I was able to hear the audio from both sides now. On the Simulator I am not able to hear audio may be because of those missing plugins it complaining which I have posted in the above thread.

Video stream is disabled in my Freeswitch server, I will see how to enable it and then test and post the result here.

Thanks for all the help from baresip user community especially @alfredh , @AdilSoomro and @chenlucu.

chenlucu commented 11 years ago

@ramki1979 Good to heat that. I do not care about the simulator, since I always want to test on a real device. Good luck with your video call.

shkumar18 commented 7 years ago

Hi @alfredh @chenlucu i have build and complied the baresip in ubuntu and changed the code according to my requirement directly calling the faunction instaed of giving input from command line. i have tried the video call but what i can see is that only i can see my self video and that too freezes. could you pls suggest why this is happenning. for video i have set video_mode on err = ua_connect(f->, NULL, NULL, uri, NULL, VIDMODE_ON);

samirmagnates commented 3 years ago

Okay, this issue got resolved, I was preferring ipv6, when doing ua_init so I put NO in the last argument, then it seemed to be working.

Now I'm stuck to another problem. which is that it is not calling any of the response handlers. It just keep displaying Registering...

in the baresip library, I checked the function has only 4 arguments and you passed five arguments. int ua_init(const char *software, bool udp, bool tcp, bool tls); I think either you are using another library or I am using another library... My library is baresip 0.6.5, could you please help me and let me know which library version you are using?