barlearn / SEBC

Services Enablement Boot Camp
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Installation Lab #5

Open barlearn opened 7 years ago

barlearn commented 7 years ago

I am not able add 'Started' label

barlearn commented 7 years ago

Due to incompatable version of OS i.e CentOS 6.3 , I have lost a lot of time in setting up the service.

I have later update the OS to CentOS 6.8 (lost one day in trouble shooting and finding out its the OS version)

Next day the problems continued as each node has some package missing. ncsd , ntpd, nslookup etc., installed all of the required ones and had trouble setting up MySQL replication.

Discussed with James and thought of skipping the replication and moving to install CM

Next day problems with disk space allocated to root partition. In between tried installing 3 different instances i.e. RedHat 7.x as nodes and the trainer (Manoj) suggested not to have CM on CentOS and nodes on RedHat as it gets even harder later to troubleshoot.

So decided to delete those and again continue on CentOS for nodes. Fixed the disk space issue and managed to complete all the installation of CM.

I found the services were still not happy (Thursday morning) and noticed that one of the nodes was missing ntpd.conf (it was blank) and I updated all that it is all good now.

mfernest commented 7 years ago

Lots of learning!