barmstrong / ribbot

Simple, beautiful discussion forums - for customer support, news aggregation, QA sites, and online communities.
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Popular, Top, Latest should be Latest, Popular, Top #1

Open akshatpradhan opened 12 years ago

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

As a User on I want to see Latest as Default, and then options for Popular and Top So that I retain that forum like feel of posts being viewed in Chronological order.

Look at forums like:

You don't want to loose that forum feel of things being posted in Chronological order. However, if I click on Top, then posts with the highest number of votes should be shown.

And turn those into a Pills, not a Navigation Menu. It will look better.

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

Actually I leave this up for discussion from a Product Development perspective. Rethinking this, I'm a little torn if I want Latest to be first. By putting Latest first, it goes back to being no different then a Forum.


barmstrong commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the input - I actually think the popular as default view is one of the best features of Hacker News/Reddit/etc which are the inspiration for ribbot.

When you have a low volume of submissions, it doesn't make a big deal either way, and it doesn't take much time to skim the latest submissions for something interesting (chronological is a bit more intuitive even). But as volume goes up it gets harder to sift through all the noise for something relevant or interesting - so this is where it really shines, your community filters it for you and you end up with much better content on the homepage.

For example compare: vs

The quality difference is quite noticeable. If most ribbot forums have low volume, you could make an argument for this being configurable in the backend. But in general I think popular as default is more useful.