barnabycolby / MMM-Carousel

Displays a single magic mirror module at a time, rotating through the list of configured modules in a carousel-like fashion.
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Module is detected by magic mirror but does not do anything #13

Closed nickwax closed 7 years ago

nickwax commented 7 years ago

So like the previous issue the module does not do anything. magicmirror detects the module but nothing happens on my screen. I've tried every mode in the module as well with no results. here is the part of my config file that the module runs from. The mirror still launches and the other modules run so i find a syntax error in the config file hard to believe. Thanks in advance for the help

{ module: 'MMM-Carousel', config: { transitionInterval: 3000, mode: 'positional', bottom_right: {enabled: true} } },

barnabycolby commented 7 years ago

I suspect that you don't have any modules that are positioned in the bottom_right? Another thing to try is to just use the global mode. You should see something then.

If you're still having problems, please post the entirety of your config file.

nickwax commented 7 years ago

Here is the entire config file. I do have two modules in the bottom_right. one of the modules in the bottom right is custom and does work. I've tried the global mode without success. would you like me to post an example of how i configured the module in each mode?

var config = { port: 8080, ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses.

language: "en",
timeFormat: 12,
units: "imperial",

electronOptions: { fullscreen: false, width: 1920, height: 1080 },

modules: [
    module: 'iFrame',// tickets sold
    position: 'top_right',  // This can be any of the regions.
    config: {
        // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
        url: "
        width: "888px", // Optional. Default: 100%
        height: "505px", //Optional. Default: 100px
        scrolling: "no"
    module: "clock",
    position: "bottom_center",  // This can be any of the regions.
    config: {
        // The config property is optional.
        // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
    module: "currentweather",
    position: "bottom_center",  // This can be any of the regions.
                                // Best results in left or right regions.
    config: {
        // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
        location: "Medora,US",
        locationID: "", //Location ID from
        appid: "124124asf329jdsfj" // API key.
    module: 'iFrame',// call center monitor
    position: 'top_left',   // This can be any of the regions.
    config: {
        // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
        url: "",
        width: "900px", // Optional. Default: 100%
        height: "505px", //Optional. Default: 100px
        scrolling: "no"

    module: "weatherforecast",
    position: "bottom_right",

    config: {
        // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
        location: "Medora,US",
        locationID: "", //Location ID from
        appid: "1234fkdsgkh32423sdkf", // API key.
        fade: false,
        maxNumberOfDays: 10,
        showRainAmount: true,
        roundTemp: true,
        colored: true
    module: "getEvents",
    position: "bottom_left"
    module: "Tickets-Sold",
    position: "top_right"

    module: "Todays-Totals",
    position: "bottom_right"
    module: 'MMM-Carousel',
    config: {
        transitionInterval: 3000,
        mode: 'positional',
        bottom_right: {enabled: true}


nickwax commented 7 years ago

Ive figured out that DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED notification is never being sent by my magicmirror on startup. not sure why that is happening but it looks like it isn't an issue with this module.

nickwax commented 7 years ago

@barnabycolby Close this issue