barnacs / compy

HTTP/HTTPS compression proxy
ISC License
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Command line parsing issues #32

Open ignaciovidalfranco opened 6 years ago

ignaciovidalfranco commented 6 years ago

This is by no means critical, but I guess it is better to document it. If I do:

compy -cert cert.crt -key cert.key -ca ca.crt -cakey ca.key -jpeg 40 -gif false -gzip 9 -brotli 11 -minify true -host :1234

compy ignores the -host option:

2017/12/13 00:28:23 compy listening on :9999

But if I do compy -cert cert.crt -key cert.key -ca ca.crt -cakey ca.key -host :1234 -jpeg 40 -gif false -gzip 9 -brotli 11 -minify true

The proxy now listens on port 1234

I think the command line is not correctly parsing the command line options on some situations.